
Yes I have seen it and loved it. Why, whats the connection?

You've just given the Tyler Durden speech.

Today, survival is easy and most people do not have a worthy purpose which consumes their time and gives their life meaning. Today, most jobs are meaningless to people so they combat their boredom by satisfying their ego. They consume. Basically, people work at jobs that they find meaningless simply to acquire money which allows them to survive and buy crap that satisfies their boredom and takes their mind off of the fact that their life is meaningless and they are unhappy.

Hahaha awesome. Well that movie was highly influential for me back when it was in the lime light. The philosophy of it must be buried deep within my subconscious. I guess I still spew its ideas from time to time.

I know what you mean. Sidenote: Somehow I've gotten into the habit of watching George Carlin's "You're All Diseased" and Eddie Izzard's "Dressed to Kill" along with Fight Club whenever I revisit it. There's an overall theme between them. :)

I like a lot of George Carlin's comedy as well. A little bit of philosophy mixed with some anarchism - its a good combination. I don't think I've listened to that particular show in its entirety probably just bits and pieces of it. I'm less familiar with Eddie Izzard. I just hear what played on the comedy station I listen to on the radio. I'll try to check those out though.