So, what now?
It seems as though that question comes up so often these days just thinking it again drives me crazier. I know a part of me is crazy but underneath the disturbance lies at least a bit of truth. I like to call it "observant" rather than nuts.
Yes, I overthink and over-analyze, but I do think and I do analyze.
Is it a fault that I expect every means to have an end? A worthwhile, meaningful end? That I expect all ends to connect and intercept where others do not see fit? Some people say I need a job. There's no option there as much as I agree. Others suggest a hobby of some sort. Hobbies are expensive and government funding is monitered and specified. Also, unspoken city curfews are a bitch. Everyone seems to run on very similar schedules except for me. I just can't seem to find my place.
I will keep looking.
Der Tod und das Mädchen by Adolf Hering, 1900