Pursuit of happiness

in #philosophy4 years ago

(When inmates take over the asylum.)

The farce that is US government continues, this time in Michigan where armed thugs stormed the statehouse, whining about the quarantine order designed to protect their worthless lives, while brandishing a vast array of firearms. The monumental lunacy of permitting the ill-educated, over-emotional rabble unrestricted access to firearms, including military-grade assault guns, was in clear demonstration, this past Friday, when government officials required armor and added security merely to perform their daily, mundane, public duties. It would be difficult to imagine witnessing such juvenile temper tantrums anywhere other than the West, especially in the mismanaged US where weak-kneed prostitutes “govern” via opinion polls. The license to act the fool, the Western humanists believe to be “freedom.”

Even when families were welded shut within their own apartments, the subjects of the CCP did not display such shameless hysterics as was witnessed on the Michigan statehouse for “quarantine” order that amounted to a few more weeks’ deprivation of shopping. The fools in the West consider themselves under “oppression” because they can not meet with their tailor. Imagine what convulsions these entitled buffoons will experience, when the state enforces rationing of necessary goods, due to the impending famine and supply-chain disruption. Fortunately, due to the weak-kneed response of the Michigan government, there were no casualties in this armed “protest” by the muck.

The Western penchant for nonresponse to periodic riotous tantrums of their peasant scum is a curiously effective policy of social control. At times, such wishy-washy governance leads to irreparable destruction of urban centers and economic prosperity, but for the most part, the peasant muck vent their impotent anger with minimal disruption for a day, return to their holes having accomplished nothing, and attend to their posts the next day. The fact that the muck were allowed to carry firearms made their pointless tantrums more volatile, a situation the US government would need to address, if only to avoid pointless bloodshed.

The problem with the muck running wild, of course, is not “tyrannical” governments, lack of “freedom,” or even economic meltdown; rather, it is the peasant compulsion towards restlessness. Without the frenetic economic activities, which has thus far, occupied the empty souls of the pitiful drones, the peasants are faced with the terrifying prospect of encountering their own barren thoughts and hollow ideals. The humanist West has cultivated agitation as some type of social virtue, with every ignorant fool nervously seeking information, activity, and novelty if only to escape the empty existence that is their lives. Even the term for economic activity, business, indicates that busy-ness is the highest form of sociocultural ethic in a capitalist society.

Yet, if this pandemic has demonstrated anything, it is that 99% of all busy-ness is useless and pointless activities people can do without. Those who aim to cultivate themselves and overcome their flaws have little to no need for the empty busy-ness of capitalist whores. If men can discover a better way fo life than restless activities, a well governed life becomes a possibility. For, it is only in mastering the fundamentals of inaction that purposeful action becomes possible. It is only in such a state that men will be truly rich, not in gold, but in the wealth that makes happiness. The happy life is that of excellence. Excellent life requires intentional exertion, which is not the capitalist restlessness towards amusement. Happiness is activity in accordance with excellence, and it is reasonable that greatest happiness lies in pursuing greatest excellence: wisdom. Unlike empty “freedom,” which can be bought with enough coin, wisdom is a quality most feared by the capitalist profiteers and the banking cartel; for a merchant cannot comprehend a thing that is priceless.


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Your parasitic, vain conceit is breathtaking. I cannot overstate the dire cost such arrogance will require of you in the fullness of time. In one breath you denigrate the industrious actions of your betters as without merit, and extol the beneficence of doing nothing as productive of excellence.


"...the subjects of the CCP did not display such shameless hysterics as was witnessed on the Michigan statehouse..."

No, because they are hapless and helplessly disarmed, utterly at the mercy of barbaric thugs you demand enforce the rule of psychopathic parasites. What did the subects of the CCP reveal instead?

Their organs for sale to the very capitalist merchants you so denigrate as being the rulers of the West. It is China that is the profit center of mercantilism, or rather it has been until it's execrable practices, such as execution by organ extraction of people innocent of any crime other than being subject to Chinese government, have finally ended it's utility to even the most venal and predatory bankster.

It is the very firearms you decry that keep the internal parts of Americans their own, and the fear officials reveal by donning armor and seeking greater security is a good sign that government agents may yet suffer some little servitude to the society to which they owe their positions, and indeed their lives. Unexpected good news.

Thanks for bringing some small light of joy to my day. Perhaps there will come a time you do not misunderstand slavery as profit, darkness as illumination, or violent oppression as just governance.

From our conversations, I should not hold my breath until you do grasp factual reality. I expect such understanding will only come to be expressed by you when life has terminally demonstrated that reality by imposing the final insult your recommendations produce: a violent death.

May you come to your senses and embrace reason before that fate befalls you.

I don't know whether to laugh or weep at your disconnect with reality. Your precious rabble need to progress beyond stage-1 thinking, for the good of all humanity. Those 'Muricans brandishing firearms are more likely to shoot themselves in the foot, or a family member, than being a danger to anyone else. What did these malcontented zeroes think they would accomplish with their little tantrum? No one cares about their rants, which are as meaningless as toddlers throwing a temper tantrum. That "adults" behave no better than toddlers is quite pitiable, indeed.

Did your misguided malcontents believe that they would start an armed uprising or a political revolution? Were they planning to assassinate the governor, injure legislators, or kill law enforcement officers? It is not 'Murican guns that allow them the freedom to act the fools, but the forbearance of their weak-kneed masters. Should any of your ignorant, over-emotional rabble think to use his precious firearm, you will learn that even weak-kneed political whores do not tolerate armed revolt against legitimate authority of the state. 'Muricans are safer without their firearms than with them, since without their weapons, they would not delude themselves in fantasies of armed revolution.