I am watching people. I can see how they are doing utterly stupid things and then get surprised then shit hits the fan. It is beyond me how stupid can people sometimes be. And still, they are. And whenever something stupid is done, people say "It will be alright, I can feel that." And it is rarely alright.
And I bet that you can understand what I am talking about. And I bet you want to say that you agree and that people should act more just/smart/righteous. And you want to say that you don't act like the majority of people, right? Well, that's where we cannot agree. I bet that you are acting just as stupid as everyone else. And so am I, to be honest. The only problem is that I have a hard time seeing my stupidity because it is so deep within me that it feels right.
Same applies to you all. If you think you don't act stupid and you don't belong to the masses, you are wrong. We all belong the mass society. And there is nothing we can do about it. You might want to say that cryptocurrencies will save the world and make people free. Well, let me disappoint you, that is what the masses say these days. So, do you still think you are free?
Of course, people in the USA can see how terrible the life in Russia is. But Russians would say the exact same thing about Americans. And same goes for propaganda. It is everywhere. We think that North Korea is using propaganda (that is obvious). Sadly, it is not obvious to North Koreans. So, how do you think that your country is not the same?
Cryptocurrencies and freedom. I still don't understand how people think it will change anything. Of course, some people will use this opportunity to assure their freedom, but the majority of people will stay poor and controlled by the governments or whatever else you consider evil.
Remember, whenever you see someone being stupid, that someone stupid thinks the exact same thing about you. Whenever you think you are free from society, you are not. Society wants you to think you are free to control you.
It is said that the things that annoy us the most about others are what we are most annoyed about with ourselves, and that is probably true when you think about it.. However, following the news about crypto currencies has made me realize how much "hidden" propaganda there is in the media in my own home country.. It might be more subtle than in the countries you mentioned here, and I probably hadn't noticed it myself if it wasn't because I was already following international media on the subject. I can only assume this goes for other subjects as well. Disappointing to realize, but I am glad I did. Mainstream media should in my opinion be viewed as entertainment and not shape your views on what's going on in the world too much. The information is only a small part of the truth, and the angle is not presented openly. So I guess that makes it an opinion, rather than an objective truth.. :-)
Yup, that is true. But it can be said about the crypto world and news you learn here. I mean, how can you know it is not propaganda as well? Everything is some sort of propaganda unless you see it all with your eyes. And even then you cannot be sure about what you saw :D