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RE: My entry for the PhotoChain Challenge-25 Edition

in #photochain4 years ago

What a great choice for your entry, @melinda010100! That is one tough challenge, BUT you knocked it one out of the park... Lying Down/Playa/Clouds!
So many places to visit. I don't know when or if I will visit Mexico again.
Have an awesome week, my dear! And take care 🥰🌺🤙


It would take an MS Miracle for me to entertain thoughts of ever traveling anywhere again, even if World conditions were better and made travel attractive again. I am so grateful that I got to travel to as many places and see as much of the world as I did while I was still able.

While going through my archives I realized I really don't have many pictures of people on beaches!

I hear that the beaches of Florida are packed!

Live for today and don't worry about tomorrow?

That is what they say... can't do anything about the past, and tomorrow is still to come. We can only live for today! Gosh, I have so much to do today... hehehe, never-ending things to do! Life is always good, no matter what!🥰🌺🤙

I agree 100%! It's always an ever changing adventure, isn't it!