Hive Philippines Street Photography #802 - by Allmonitors

in #photography23 days ago

#802 - Colorful street scenes for Saturday.

A warm and wonderful evening dearest Hiveans. Early this morning I woke up because of the warm temperature and also the noise from vehicles plying on the road which is near the house. We had some coffee and mine was hot powdered milk. Tomorrow I will be doing the laundry first light but today was just spending time resting. Hopefully by next week the weather will change and rain will start to come by so everyone could feel much better in regards to temperature.

For our daily shots this time we have here colorful photos in the streets of the city of pines. This first shows three young ladies walking together. The two in the front follow the trend attires of the locals which is jeans and denim jackets. The style of highland cowboys is dominant among the local men population but also being observed by the women. The shoes worn are mostly hiking shoes same as these ladies in the front.

Next shot is showing a lone woman walking while at the same time opening her bag during her descend on this down hill road. The weather's warm during midday that's why people don't need to wear jackets or sweatshirts at all.

A scene in one of the street adjacent to the Session road. We could see several people walking towards the woman who's long hair shown in this frame. The city streets is thriving with life almost anytime of the day.

Lastly is a scene at the intersection going to the church or the Baguio cathedral which is just about on the left side after climbing those few steps of concrete ladder where a man sitting on the side looks like to be begging for alms. People here pass by all the time and somehow like here is also going go fast already compared to being in the countryside where life is a lot simplier.

Follow me on my street travels.
Shot taken in Baguio City, Philippines.

Image/s were shot using Panasonic Lumix ZS110. ~rex