My grandfather Vitya is practically not getting old, and I called his childhood floor his second dad. A year later he became a grandfather 😂

in #photography6 years ago

Hello friends! My grandfather Vitya is practically not getting old, and I called his childhood floor his second dad. A year later he became a grandfather 😂

Photos of my family. 

I do not know much about my family. But even that I know - I'm very proud. On photos there is my great-grandfather. In his youth, you can immediately notice that his appearance is Chinese. This explains my Asian roots and insane love for Asian countries. Great-grandfather was a lawyer and very fond of his profession. He first served as a lieutenant-colonel of the militia, and then was a lawyer for the loudest and most interesting cases, including criminal cases. For the time of the Soviet and post-Soviet Union, great-grandfather was almost the most respected person in the village. But for me as a child - it was not that important. Much more important was what he taught me and how he played with me as a child. These are the most valuable memories. He was very happy afterwards that I entered the law faculty. True, the direction I have is different. In the photographs next to my great-grandfather - my great-grandmother. In her youth she was very beautiful. By profession, a hairdresser, but she worked for them a little. The great-grandfather with his work was able to support her and three children. Therefore, she was mostly at home and engaged in children. She died when I was still young. I remember her as a woman, able to collect our whole big family together at the same table. She loved us very much and gave her whole life for her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.Even on some pictures you can see mono grandfather - a curly-haired, dark-complexioned man. Grandfather's name is Victor. He entered the medical faculty, but dropped him after the first year of schooling. Now it has its own plot, a house, a bathhouse and everything you need to run your own farm. He lives not far from me, and I often visit him. My grandfather Vitya is practically not getting old, and I called his childhood floor his second dad. A year later he became a grandfather 😂 Great-grandfather - Vladimir, great-grandmother - Lydia. Here it is relatives on the father's side in this branch. My dad still has a brother and sister. And I have it - three cousins and three cousins.

Little me and my grandfather

Father in the Soviet Army

Great grandfather

Great-grandmother, Dad and his younger cousin

Привет друзья! Фотографии моей семьи.Прямо чтобы много о своей семье я не знаю. Но даже о том, что знаю - очень горжусь. На фотографиях есть мой прадедушка. В молодости можно сразу заметить, что внешность у него китайская. Это и объясняет мои азиатские корни и безумную любовь к азиатским странам. Прадед был юристом и очень любил свою профессию. Он дослужился сначала до подполковника милиции, а затем был адвокатом по самым громким и интересным делам, в том числе уголовным. На время советского и постсоветского союза прадед был чуть не самым уважаемым человеком в посёлке. Но для меня как ребёнка - важно было не это. Гораздо важнее было, чему учил меня и как играл со мной в детстве. Это самые ценные воспоминания. Он был очень рад в последствии, что я поступила на юридический факультет. Правда, направление у меня другое.На фотографиях рядом с прадедушкой - моя прабабушка. В молодости была очень красива. По профессии парикмахер, но работала она им мало. Прадедушка с его работой был способен содержать ее и троих детей. Поэтому она в основном сидела дома и занималась детьми. Умерла она, когда я была ещё маленькой. Помню ее как женщину, способную собрать всю нашу большую семью вместе за одним столом. Она очень нас любила и всю жизнь отдала ради своих детей, внуков и правнуков.Ещё на некоторых фотках можно увидеть моно деда - кучерявого смуглого мужчину. Деду зовут Виктор. Он поступал на медицинский факультет, но бросил его после первого года обучения. Сейчас в него свой участок, дом, баня и все, что нужно для ведения собственного хозяйства. Он живет недалёко от меня, и я часто бываю у него. Мой дедушка Витя практически не стареет и я пол детства называла его вторым папой. Спустя года он стал таки дедом😂Прадед - Владимир, прабабушка - ЛидияВот это и есть родственники по папиной стороне в этой ветви. У папы ещё есть брат и сестренка. А у меня получается - трое двоюродных братьев и трое двоюродных сестёр. 


Your deep love for your family comes through very clearly.

Since that little girl in the photo still lives inside you, tell her I said she is pretty.

thank you very much, I'm very very pleased) you say very nice words =)

Que hermoso poder tener esos recuerdos de familia. Que lindo que ud pueda conservar todas esas fotos con tanto amor.

memories warm my heart! I really love my family, and I cherish every minute I spent with them =)
I respect people who also value their family. love your family. Family is the most valuable !!!