Dear Steemian!
Cigarettes are the number one killer in the world. Smoking can cause addiction.
Much research has been done to prove that cigarettes can cause addiction or addiction.
Previously cigarettes were only used by adults only, but now very enjoyed by teenagers even to the underage child.
Research has proven, cigarettes are very dangerous for the health of the body, because in a cigarette alone, there are approximately 600 materials contained in it. When burned and smoked, a cigarette can produce 7,000 chemicals. Among them are known there are at least 70 chemicals that are at risk can cause lung cancer.
Cigarettes can cause cancer, heart disease, respiratory problems, digestive diseases, can cause impotence and can cause pregnancy and fetal disorders? and so forth.
Therefore, "remember cigarettes, and remember cigarettes can kill you".
Kiban Arif..... Ka kirem hai barang malaya meu bacut.....
Peu barang takirem buk,,
Kalinyoe droe2 teuh wah yue kirem,,,hahaha
Yang peunteng bek tuwoe phook beh,,,,
rukok malaya kakirem.. 😀😀😀
Bek yayay...
Ka kirem nyan
Hana pat kirem kak hai,,,,
Peu hana ureung woe dum....