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RE: Fire and Lightning (follow-up)

in #photography4 years ago

Oh man stay safe! That’s scary when the fires get that big where it needs to be handled by helicopters. Where do you live? I’ve thankfully never had to deal with that type of stuff here in the Boston area.


Hey @cmplxty, I live in AZ. The lighting strikes last night set fires off on at least two different ranges. Thankfully there are no evacuations. But it is really phenomenal to see this live. It kind of makes you feel “small” when the choppers are barely visible. Be safe and well in Bean Town :)

Ah beautiful Arizona! I’m glad that people didn’t have to get evacuated, that’s definitely a plus it happened up high in the ranges.

We just had a decent thunder storm ourselves yesterday and knocked down a bunch of trees!

It definitely makes you feel small when you can barely see something like a chopper among the big mountains! Kind of a cool feeling to think about!