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RE: ☀️How to cope with the heat - what is your trick? (🍺 prize inside )

in #photography6 years ago (edited)

This is my mother's trick from way back in the day. Run cold water over your wrists. Then have wet wash cloths in the fridge and put them on your wrists and lie down. This is from her mother from back when no one had ac. We lived way in the North, and hot days rarely came, but when they did, they were awful.

But now, I am as close to the equator as I can get and I love the heat. It helps my Rheumatoid Arthritis. When it is cold, I am rolled up into a ball of pain.

I would not get a beer, if I got your vote, and that definitely will not cool you down. Here in SE Asia, they use barley water to get rid of the "heaty feeling."

You have given my posts votes in the past, and I am so grateful to you! I'm glad I saw this one today, even though I am not sure how I got here lol. Mysteries of steemit!

Me leaving San Diego in three jackets because it was too cold there.
mom and Caleb trying not to cry fitinfun.jpg


Thank you for your comment and for sharing your mother's trick. Sorry to hear about your condition. I hope you can always avoid a cold surrounding. All the best!

Thank you so much. And you try to stay cool! It's harder when you don't get heat all the time. Here is the tropics, we are just used to it :)