These are the photos of the sunrise that I have recently missed. |
Das sind die Fotos des Sonnenaufgangs, den ich letztens versäumt habe. |
The missed Sunrise / Der versäumte Sonnenaufgang
Mölltal . Carinthia . Austria
A few days ago I posted a little post about my haphazard photo tour (Haphazardly Photo Trip / Planlose Fototour). When I found a parking space aside the street over the Iselsberg Pass, I was able to take these photos, but, as I said in the above mentioned post, the sunrise was already over. | Vor ein paar Tagen habe ich einen kleinen Beitrag über meine planlose Fototour gepostet (Haphazardly Photo Trip / Planlose Fototour). Als ich dann auf der Straße über den Iselsberg Pass einen Parkplatz gefunden habe, konnte ich diese Fotos machen, aber, wie bereits im angeführten Beitrag gesagt, der Sonnenaufgang war bereits vorbei gewesen. |

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The first photo shows the snow-covered Mölltal valley from my location above the village of Winklern (see Google Maps link below) to the east. The previously intensely pink clouds had pretty much dissolved. | Das erste Foto zeigt das verschneite Mölltal von meinem Standort oberhalb der Ortschaft Winklern (siehe Google Maps Link unten) in Richtung Osten. Die vorher intensiv pink gefärbten Wolken hatten sich ziemlich aufgelöst. |

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I took the other two photos from the same location in a northerly direction to Heiligenblut and the Grossglockner area, where the sun has just reached the first mountain peaks. | Die anderen beiden Fotos habe ich vom selben Standort in nördliche Richtung nach Heiligenblut und ins Großglocknergebiet aufgenommen. Hier hat die Sonne gerade die ersten Berggipfel erreicht. |

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Location / Standort: Parking lot aside the road |
Möll River (Mölltal valley) Iselsberg Pass Winklern Grossglockner |
Möll (Mölltal) Iselsberg (Pass) Winklern Großglockner |
All photos were shot with the Canon EOS R and one of these lenses: Canon RF 24-105mm f/4 L IS USM, Canon EF 70-200mm f/4 L IS II USM, Canon EF 16-35mm 1:4L IS USM, SIGMA 105mm 1:2,8 DG MACRO HSM, SIGMA 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM C |
If you like my photos I would appreciate an upvote, nice comment or a resteem 😊 ... and maybe you would like to follow me, so you do not miss a post from me anymore.
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have a nice evening,
Photos and Text: Johann Piber | All rights reserved - do not use without my permission
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Thank you so much for resteeming my post, dear @pixresteemer, I appreciate your service 🙂
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I thank you so much for the resteem, @artmentor, I do really appreciate it 🙂
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.Hey @artmentor, here is a little bit of
from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Even if the clouds were a little !DERANGED and didnt give the glorious sunrise you may have bene hoping fro you still got some greta shots, I love the light golden glow on the peaks
Cheers and !BEER
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Yes, I do also love it when the first sunrays illuminate a mountain peak.
Thank you for your kind comment JJ, have a great day. I hope it is not too !DERANGED cold today.
Cheers and !BEER
Ohh yeah that is so special to see
you to have a great day
I may not be !DERANGED but I share deranged tokens, similarly I don't drink !BEER anymore
I just told about my wet and rainy day in another reply ... plan A, B and C got very wet ;)
Tomorrow I'll take the next chance - maybe the weather will be better.
Well lets hope tomorrow you come up with a plan D and that works so well you almost feel !DERANGED
Cheers and !BEER
Have we really been talking in so many conversations about our bad weather here? ;) lol
Plan D got even more wet and if no Christmas wonder happens, then tomorrow plan E will be !DERANGED wet too ;)
Cheers and !BEER
Happy Winter Solstice My friend, the positive thing we can look at is the days now start getting a little longer, trying to be normal and not mention the !DERANGED weather but the length of the day doesnt really count as weather doe sit
Good morning my friend
Cheers and !BEER
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.Hey @tattoodjay, here is a little bit of
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.Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of
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.Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of
from @tattoodjay for you. Enjoy it!midnight... good time for some !DERANGED !BEER consumption?
So, you are drinking alone !BEER in the middle of the night? That's !DERANGED as you say it yourself ;) lol
I am already awake and have a morning !COFFEEA and wish you a great day @qwerrie 🙂
All covered by snow
Snowman day
!trdo !shop !BEER !DERANGED
The Winter has begun - this valley has got snow, but I am living in a lower area, where all of the snow is already gone - no snowman possible ;)
Thank you very much @cloudblade, have a great weekend 😊
you live place,
this snow has disappeared,
I thought it would snow for another month,
I thought this winter has not passed yet.
Oh, this winter has just begun and it will snow again soon - it will snow even more and when it's colder the snow will stay :)
By the time
We can see many children making snowmen
This month
This weather should get colder every month
Right, when it will be snowing a lot soon, the children will have much fun outside building snowmen.
If the weather is cold too, these snowmen will stay longer than the last ones the children built ;)
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.Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of
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.Hey @cloudblade, here is a little bit of
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.Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of
from @cloudblade for you. Enjoy it!Hi~ johannpiber!

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由 @hertz300 小Q 在晴空万里 开着宝马 给您送来

吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~
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.Hey @cloudblade, here is a little bit of
from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Your photography is so beautiful always.i love your photography always.take love❤❤❤.can you give me your discord id name @ johannpiber
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Thank you very much for this nice comment and that you like my photography, @priyo022, I do really appreciate it 🙂
My discord name is the same johannpiber, but I am very, very seldom on discord - only if I need some information or so.
Thank you brother.i knock you in discord
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You're welcome @priyo022, but as I said, I am very seldom on discord ;)
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Thank you very much for adding my post to the Steemit Worldmap, @steemitworldmap, I do really appreciate the service you are offering and your support 🙂
I think you deserve some $trdo
Thank you very much for the trendo my friend - let me give you a !DERANGED !BEER in exchange :)
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.Hey @pixelfan, here is a little bit of
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.Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of
from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!Beautiful beautiful beautiful
Guten Nacht mit !BEER
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Thank you, thank you and .... thank you so much @davidesimoncini 🙂
Buona notte e brindisi con una !BEER amico mio.
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.Hey @davidesimoncini, here is a little bit of
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.Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of
from @davidesimoncini for you. Enjoy it!Schöne Fotos! Liebe Grüße, Emeliya
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Dankeschön, liebe Grüße zurück und einen schönen Abend wünsche ich dir, Emeliya 😊
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.Hey @emeliya, here is a little bit of
from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!I love what you got 😍
Especially with the trails in the sky made by jets ( am I right? )
Thank you so very much for your nice comment and that you like these photos, dear @zirochka 🙂
Yes, you are right, so many airplanes are flying so early in the morning - so many people fly on vacation and I have to stay at home ;)
I wish you a nice evening and a wonderful weekend 🙂
Look at the situation from the different angle. So many people travel home to join their families but you're already at home 🤗🤗🤗
OK, that way it looks quite different and you are so right, @zirochka, although I'd prefer it if my family was on the Maledives and I could fly to join them there 😉
I just spent only 1 week alone, without my family. And it was vacations. But take my word, I miss them so much that I'd rather be with them at home than alone at Maldives. But all together - why not : D
Of course, I meant all together. For a few days I can be alone, explore the country and take photos, but at latest after the second night I'd wish my beloved family to be with me 🙂
Agree :) I feel the same
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.Hey @zirochka, here is a little bit of
from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!So eine schöne verschneite Bergwelt
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Im Mölltal liegt immer viel Schnee, und weil das Tal ziemlich eng ist, schaut das Ganze noch besser aus, aber der richtige Schnee bzw die großen Schneemassen kommen erst noch. Dann gibt's wieder Fotos :)
Vielen lieben Dank für deinen netten Kommentar @butterblume, ich wünsche dir noch einen schönen Abend 🙂
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.Hey @butterblume, here is a little bit of
from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!The first picture can be sent to the exhibition :-)
Oh, thank you so much @bambuka 🙂 that's only a quick handheld vertical panorama made of three shots, but I'm happy if you like it that much 👍
Have a nice evening and a wonderful weekend ahead :)
I like the composition itself :-)
Cool, thanks a lot again 🙂
I just wanted to have the whole valley on the photo and didn't think of a compositon when I took the photos, but sometimes the landscape itself is the best composition and you cannot do anything to make it better :)
Ja, die Landschaft selbst sagt einem oft, wie man es fotografiert. Vor allem, wenn Sie an der richtigen Stelle sind
Johannpiber, ich bitte Sie, auf wiederholte Kommentare von mir kein Bier mehr zu schicken. Mein Kühlschrank ist leer und es ist mir peinlich, das Gespräch fortzusetzen. Und manchmal möchte ich es fortsetzen :-)
Soll ich jetzt wirklich in Deutsch antworten? OK, ich mache es ... ;)
So ist es, manchmal zeigt einem die Landschaft selbst, wie sie auf dem Foto aussehen möchte ;) und an diesem Platz hat man einen wunderschönen Panoramablick über das gesamte Tal.
Es braucht dir wirklich nicht peinlich zu sein, weil ich genug !BEER habe und ich gebe diese token gerne und mit Freude zu jeder meiner Antworten und auch zu meinen Kommentaren dazu. Das geht ganz automatisch, dass ich sie in meine Sätze einbaue oder am Ende des Kommentars anhänge, und es macht mir Spaß ;)
Also, bitte nicht böse sein, wenn ich immer einen oder mehrere dieser token verschenke, denn es kostet mich nichts und ich hoffe, dass ich anderen damit eine kleine Freude machen kann.
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.Hey @bambuka, here is a little bit of
from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!View or trade
.Hey @bambuka, here is a little bit of
from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!View or trade
.Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of
from @bambuka for you. Enjoy it!Wow, nice Iselsberg Pass photography.
Thank you very much for your comment and that you like my photos, @kamrunnahar, I appreciate it 🙂
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.Hey @kamrunnahar, here is a little bit of
from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Caught first ray of sunshine .... it's such a special moment ...@johannpiber 😊
I rarely see it because I don't get up when the sun comes up, but it's definitely worth getting up ..... though in the winter sometimes I catch the sunrise, but I don't get to take a picture ...😉
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In Wintertime the sun rises very late and if you go to the known photo spots the chances are good to meet other people, what I don't like :(
It's much better in Summer, because most people are like you and love to sleep long. I get up at 4 or even 3 in the morning and have the most beautiful sunrises completely for myself :)))
Thank you so much for your kind words, @suzana72, I wish you a wonderful weekend 🙂
Yes, it is not nice when you have people around you at sunrise or sunset. That's what I like to watch when I'm alone, it's kind of special moments. I'll have to sacrifice myself in the summer and watch at least one sunrise. @johannpiber 😉😊
I wish you have a great weekend.🤗
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Yes, you should watch at least one sunrise, @suzana72, they are much better than sunsets in my opinion :)
I agree with you, so I'll arrange to watch the sunrise.@johannpiber 🤗
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Fine then, that's a deal, @suzana72, and to prove it you have to show us some nice photos of that sunrise 🙂
... I hope I don't forget that until next Summer ;)
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.Hey @suzana72, here is a little bit of
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.Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of
from @qwerrie for you. Enjoy it!Der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm.
Gilt zumindest bei Sonnenaufgängen in den Bergen.
Besonderes Erlebnis, auch wenns meistens einfach schrecklich ungemütlich ist bei Dunkelheit und Kälte den Aufstieg zum Gipfel zu machen.. ;-)
Früh genug wäre ich dran gewesen, aber meine Einschätzung der Wolken im Osten war komplett falsch, denn ich habe nicht gedacht, dass sie sich auflösen und so schön verfärben würden. Deshalb konnte ich dann nur diese blassrosa Restwolken fotografieren :)
Vollkommen richtig, wenn du aber dann am Gipfel stehst, dann ist die gesamte Anstrengung plötzlich vergessen, speziell, wenn der Feuerball hinter dem Horizont hervorschaut und du ganz alleine dort oben bist, weil alle anderen lieber gemütlich im Bettchen liegen ;)
Ich danke dir für deinen netten Kommentar, @hamsterpoweriii, und wünsche dir einen schönen Tag und ein noch schöneres Wochenende 🙂
Ah, das ist natürlich schade. Wolken sind natürlich die große Unbekannte.
Merci, merci. Wünsche ich Dir auch :-)
Kein Problem - es gibt immer ein nächstes Mal.
Nochmals danke und ein schönes Wochenende @hamsterpoweriii 🙂
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.Hey @hamsterpoweriii, here is a little bit of
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I get many comments on my posts lately, but "most commented post" happens seldom - thank you very much for this information @steemitboard 🙂
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Please go to you so much @cloudblade :)
Oh my God!我竟然不知道你想说什么!
Yes, it's me ;)
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.Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of
from @cloudblade for you. Enjoy it!These mountains look very powerful! The sunset will come again and again!
Thank you so much, dear @kaminchan, I wish you a wonderful weekend 🙂
You are very right, when you miss a sunrise or a sunset, you may be sure, that it will come again and again :)
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.Hey @kaminchan, here is a little bit of
from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Congratulations @johannpiber!
Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following category:
Thank you very much for keeping me informed, @arcange, especially when I'm ranked No 1 🙂
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.Hey @arcange, here is a little bit of
from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!schon ganz schöne Streifen am Himmel :)
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.Hey @uruguru, here is a little bit of
from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!Da ist eine Menge Verkehr in der Früh ... am Himmel 😉
Liebe Grüße 🙂
Mann kann es sehen :)
Guten Morgen, hoffe es Wetter passt bei dir.
Bei uns ist es verhangen und sanft kommen eine paar tTröpflein runter.
Nix wovon man nass wird.
Liebe Grüße
Schönen guten Morgen nochmal :)
Nein, wir haben Regen, Regen und Regen ... und die Tröpflein kommen nicht sehr sanft, sondern in Strömen 😢
Ich war unterwegs und bin nass geworden.
Liebe Grüße 🙂
Klingt nicht berauschend.
Tut mir leid für Dich.
Hier haben wir im Moment gerade mal 20 Grad, vorhin gabs mal ein paar helle Momente in denen ich dachte, da kommt sie..... war aber gleich wieder vorbei.
Für den heutigen Sommeranfang ist es einfach zu frisch.
War da nicht was mit einer Klimaerwärmung?
Liebe Grüße
Bei uns ist es um einige Grad zu warm für die Jahreszeit - wir haben jetzt 7 Grad plus.
Für morgen ist ein bisschen besseres Wetter angesagt - ich gebe die Hoffnung nicht auf, dass zumindest die Luft trocken ist :)
Tja, Klimaerwärmung - bei dir ist es kalt anstatt warm und bei uns ist es warm anstatt kalt - da hat jemand das Wort "Erwärmung" falsch verstanden ;)
Liebe Grüße 🙂
Das Gefühl habe ich auch. Und morgen soll es noch frischer werden nur 18 Grad sind angesagt.
Na ja das kann sich aber auch ganz schnell wieder ändern :)
Liebe Grüße
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I did not know that such a great photographer could miss the timing of a sunrise so badly sir johannpiber but even still the views are quite magnificent! Hey are those chemtrails? Looks like the sky is full of them in that one shot.
Oh, you haven't seen the clouds before I could take these photos - they were so very pink and beautiful.
Thank you so much, that you like these photos too, @janton 🙂
Yes, these are chemtrails. There's a lot of traffic over Austria in the morning and also during the day - we are in the middle of Europe, so everybody flies over us ;)
You will get them next time. So are those Contrails or Chemtrails? We don't have chemtrails in this part of Texas but most people on steemit say they are thick where ever they live.
Yes, next time I will drive on that mountain just as I have planned, no matter if the clouds in the east are gray.
Oops, I meant contrails, sorry - I don't believe that these are chemtrails and they have gone quite fast too, and left an almost cloud free sky, apart from the next contrails ;)
So maybe Austria is a country that they don't have chemtrails in, I hope. Most people on steemit claim that they see them all the time where ever they live.
They say they are chemtrails, the others say they are contrails - who is right? Who will test these trails? I don't believe, these are bad or toxic trails - who would do that? I don't think any Austrian would intoxicate the Austrian air... no, I don't believe such.
Well chemtrails here are very common and they say most of Europe is heavily sprayed. I've seen the spraying aparatus and seen the videos of the scientists explaining what they are doing which is spraying aluminum particles in the atmosphere to reflect sunlight and lessen global warming. That is the supposed goal.
There are other chemicals too but aluminum is the main one, we know that from sophisticated air testing machines that have been measuring the air for decades and the areas that are being sprayed have air with these added elements.
But we don't have that here where we are, we just have contrails so I don't think I've ever seen chemtrails. The whole thing is crazy.
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.Hey @janton, here is a little bit of
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.Hey @janton, here is a little bit of
from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!