What is it to be creative? There is nothing new in the world - everything is there and has been materially been there since millions of years - it is only the combination of items, objects and the frame of things we focus on.
Was heißt es kreativ zu sein. Es gibt nichts Neues in der Welt - alle Materie ist schon immer da gewesen sein Millionen von Jahren - es ist immer nur die Kombination von Teilen, Gegenständen und dem Rahmen der Dinge, die fokussieren.
Even text is just a different combination of known words.
Sogar ein Text ist nur eine unterschiedliche Kombination von Wörtern
So what we create is always only a different way to see things. They get another context. Context is one of the main ingredients of creativity - change the context! - it will make everything NEW and interesting.
Also ist was wir kreieren immer nur eine andere Art die Dinge zu sehen. Sie bekommen einen anderen Kontext. Kontext ist ist eine der wichtigsten Bestandteile von Kreativität - ändere den Kontext! - Es wird alles NEU und interessant machen.

Beauty is based on proportions and communication between objects. Something ugly can look nice when complemented nicely. Context rules! There is a sense of appealing proportions.

Patterns which are similar somehow "talk" to each other.

Objects attract differently - richness of properties makes complex perception - there are always different aspects - color, size, texture, overall form.

Objects from nature rarely disappoint. There has been life in them and this makes you feel comfortable.

Objects from the human sphere get interesting when the ravages of time and nature has made their imprint on them. They become a natural object themselves.

Lot of attraction can be gained by the right staging. Here the mobile with its camera will be used. Find the nice surrounding - you can find plenty of places which can serve as a stage - edges of walls, the concrete floor can be very stimulating. - as you can see even to animals.

Try unusual views - mobile cameras are very flexible with unusual views and directions.

my friend Michael Kestin
I have published this on his behalf.
Thank you for sharing. I was following. Your friend's work is so good. See yo again :)