“Chances & Failures”


I woke up to the fact that not everything lasts
Past mistakes are haunting me
Will I let it conquer my personality?
I can't lose hope in life even if it's hard

The light will serve as a guide in the dark journey
We will have trials but we will not crumble to them after a defeat
You will learn to face all trials with courage
You will have courage to face and every danger

Give yourself a chance to succeed in life
Don't waste time and opportunities that are given to you
Not everyone will have the opportunity of a life time
Once you have it then you must grab it like your life depends on it

Take chances if you think that opportunity has passed you by
You only have this lifetime to make it work and so make it count
Count every success and be thankful for every good thing you get
While learn from every failure you get and be better in the future challenges of life.



Past mistakes do hurt, but it is a big lesson to anyone who realize his/her mistakes but it also good if we let go of it and face the present
Don't be discouraged dear

Well, mistakes are meant to be happen and I agree past mistakes never stop chasing... The regret always hit at some point but there's a chance we get more better opportunity ahead.. just need to be positive and optimistic. Awesome one.. tho, the image is not showing.