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RE: Ice Ice Baby- part 1

Its absolutely enchanting and I think you captured it all really well.. as always :-) Of course you have to look at the photos full screen and then the "water" almost starts moving.

I like the light very much, also the colors and the composition. Wonderful set!

Btw.. you talk about a wide angle lens. Is that the one you wanted?

Oh god yes, the submarine. I was young and stupid. I got around, but it always came with a price.. looking back, it often feels like something I saw in a movie :-b


Haven’t gotten the 16mm one yet, so 18mm is as wide as I can go.

We have this saying in finnish, straight translation would be something like ’time gilds the memories’, meaning that you start to remember the old days being a lot better than what they really were at the time. Is that happening to you when you think of the times in the sub?

I see... curious of how much of a difference the other lens will make.

We have a similar saying, but I guess that's just one of the things that are oddly wired in my brain. When I know, that something was awful, I always remember it as such :-/

But then again, I am also infinitely happy and grateful for the good things that happened in my life 😁