Sahabat tak hanya bersama saat suka pun duka, tetapi sahabat harus mampu mengatasi setiap masalah bersama.
Companion not only together when any sorrow like, but friends must be able to overcome any problems together.
Wanita menangis bukan karena mereka lemah, namun karena telah lelah berpura-pura tersenyum meski hatinya terluka.
Women cry not because they are weak, but because it has been exhausted pretend to smile even though her heart hurt.
*Mereka yg berbahagia bukanlah mereka yg hidup tanpa masalah, tapi mereka yg terampil mengelola setiap masalah menjadi penuh hikmah. *
Those who are happy are not those who live without any problems, but those who skillfully manage every problem becomes full of wisdom.
Setiap masalah yang datang menyapa bukan untuk menjatuhkan, tetapi untuk menguji seberapa mampu kamu bertahan.
Every problem that came to greet not to impose, but to test how well you survive.
Menyedihkan ketika dia yg pernah jadi bagian penting dlm hidupmu, kini jadi seseorang yg tak kamu kenali lagi.
The sad when he distinguished in ever become an important part of your life, now so someone who you do not recognize anymore.
Hidup akan lebih mudah jika kamu memutuskan tuk menikmati apa yg kamu miliki drpd menyesali apa yg telah terjadi.
Life would be easier if you decide to enjoy what you have than regret what has happened.
Beautiful photo