jenis lebah ini, sering disebut lebah yang sangat berbahaya bagi manusia, karena gigitan lebah ini sangat mematikan.
this type of bee is, often called bees that are very dangerous for humans, because this bee bite, very deadly.
Kebetulan saya selalu membawa obat penawar, sambil melakukan pemotretan, jadi saya, berani mengambil video dan beberapa gambar dari lebah yang indah dan mematikan ini.
my coincidence, always bring the antidote, while doing the photo shoot, so I, dare to take video and some pictures from this beautiful and deadly bees.
Jangan ke mana-mana, terus nikmati, binatang unik dan langka, yang saya tunjukkan di posting blog saya @sultan-aceh
do not go anywhere, continue to enjoy, animals unique and rare , which I show in my blog post @sultan-aceh
Anda bisa melihatnya di video yang saya tunjukkan di atas, semoga terhibur.
You can see it in the video I showed above, hopefully entertained.
Lihatlah galeri foto yang saya tunjukkan di bawah ini :
Take a look at the photo gallery I show below :
Gambar 1 ( Figure 1 )
Gambar 2 ( Figure 2 )
Gambar 3 ( Figure 3 )
Gambar 4 ( Figure 4 )
Gambar 5 ( Figure 5 )
Gambar 6 ( Figure 6 )
Gambar 8 ( Figure 8 )
semoga apa yang anda lihat di video ini, bisa bermanfaat bagi semua steemian, agar kita bersama-sama membangun tumbuh di komunitas Steemit.
hopefully what you see in this video, can be beneficial for all steemian, that we must together build a grow in a community Steemit.
Terima kasih telah mengunjungi dan melihat fotografi dan video di blog saya
Thank you for visiting and looking photography and video on my blog
@sultan-aceh, siapapun yang memberikan komentar bagus dan panjang,
menurut gambar posting, untuk mencegah terjadinya SPAM Komentar di STEEMIT
Anda akan mendapatkan upvote bagus dari saya.
@sultan-aceh, anyone who gives good comment and long
according to picture posting, to prevent the occurrence of SPAM Comments in STEEMIT
you will get a nice upvote from me.
salam @sultan-aceh
regards @sultan-aceh
• Camera Photo Handphone Samsung J3 - 2016
• Camera Video Handphone Samsung J3 - 2016
• Location Indonesia forest - aceh
• Videographer @sultan-aceh
• Photographer @sultan-aceh
Sooooooo wonderful sooooooo amazing sooooo attractive soooooo beautiful
Really mister sultan you are talented and what a wonderful Aceh
With all my best regard to a great photographer
thank very much @mister-dreamer
@sultan-aceh i can't stop watching to these photo I adore them.
So amazing and what a colors
My regards to the best photographer of Aceh my respect
thank @aymenkhemakhem heheh
Really dear @sultan-aceh You make Great shots
As I am artist and photography lover and after seeing many post of @sultan-aceh I think he is a great photographer and makes very impressive shot
Well done sir @sultane-aceh I am following you
Post sangat-sangat indah
Saya terhibur baget dengan vidio di atas
Terima kasih udah menghibur saya🙏
terima kasih
Sama sama abang
Mohon kerja samanya bang
Im following #xpilarcontest " bit of image 7" and my answer is figure 5 and im already upvote and resteem your post
Regards to @sultan-aceh and @xpilar
Hi @aymenkhemakhem
Welcome to #xpilarcontest of image 7
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 5
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Im following #xpilarcontest " bit of image 7" and my answer is figure 5 and im already upvote and resteem your post
Regards to @sultan-aceh and @xpilar
Hi @mister-dreamer
Welcome to #xpilarcontest of image 7
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 5
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Hi @sultan-aceh I am following #xpilarcontest and I have selected figure 5 because of my answer to this contest and I have upvote and Resteem your post and @xpilar
Hi @ifulmirwanda
Welcome to #xpilarcontest of image 7
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 5
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Kept up.
I shall describe you only one word.
terima kasih
I am very amazed to see all your photos, because this is very beautiful. Maybe I also have photos like this but different, because I often use a smartphone camera to take pictures. @sultan-aceh
thank very much @anwarabdullah
glad to hear @anwarabdullah
You are happy I am also happy, hope you can be friends with me.
yes ....@anwarabdullah
I really like to be friends ....
anytime ... anywhere ... ugly ... pretty ... hard ... happy ...
can be with friends ... let alone disteemit
we can grow together, friends here ...
You are right, I like that. Because basically I am very happy with people who have a social nature, friends like family. @sultan-aceh
Hii @sultan-aceh
I'm following #xpilarcontest.
The corresponding answer from post @sultan-aceh is picture no 5.
I have leave a comment on post @sultan-aceh, I have reestem and upvote your post and @xpilar
Hi @safriadi98
Welcome to #xpilarcontest of image 7
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 5
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Thank you @sultan-aceh
@sultan-aceh saya baru kali ini melihat momen langka dapat tertangkap kamera anda. Good job bro!! Salama kenal dari saya teuku multazar.
I follow #xpilarcontest.
this is a picture that is on #xpilarcontest 7
which corresponds to the image in your post this is picture no. 5.
I have reestem and upvote your post and him
Hi @arfah
Welcome to #xpilarcontest of image 7
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 5
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I really hope that this time can win :)
I'm following #xpilarcontest.
The corresponding answer from post @sultan-aceh is picture no. 5
I have saved the comment in post @ sultan-aceh, i have reestem, upvote post him and you.
Hi @zawil
Welcome to #xpilarcontest of image 7
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 5
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I m following #xpilarcontest
My answer picture no.5. I find this picture in blog @sultan-aceh.this link
I have done comment and reestemed on blog @xpilar n @sultan-aceh
Hi @halidabahri
Welcome to #xpilarcontest of image 7
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 5
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I hope soo
Im following #xpilarcontest and my answer is figure 5 and im already upvote and resteem your post and @xpilar post thanks
Hi @dekgam
Welcome to #xpilarcontest of image 7
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 5
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Hi @sultan-aceh I have attended the @xpilar contest and have already uploaded your post
lihat contoh : wadynoer diatas
cara untuk memberikan mengikuti kontest ok
salam @sultan-aceh dan @xpilar
Bg @sultan-aceh. My answer #xpilarcontest number 5 or figure 5. I done resteem, upvote and comment your posting and @xpilar. Thanks
Hi @ariefkhan
Welcome to #xpilarcontest of image 7
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 5
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
what a nice photography dear
i appricate your photography
carry on your photo
Bereh that posting droe nueh
terima kasih
Mantap di bag ini...
"Kebetulan saya selalu membawa obat penawar, sambil melakukan pemotretan, jadi saya, berani mengambil video dan beberapa gambar dari lebah yang indah dan mematikan ini"
Harus sedia payung sebelum hujan...
terima kasih
Bang @sultan-aceh pat lokasi poto nyan. Nibak uteun kah? Atau semacam lampoh kebun meunan?
simpang kramat
Buenas imágenes amigo :D
So colorful...Beautiful my friend...look at her
thank @xabi
What a incredible capture @sultan-aceh . I really appreciate your super skill . Its beautiful Golden Bee . I like this thanks for sharing with us .
Stay blessed!
Hi @sultan-aceh. Tonight I participated in the contest you created with @xpilar. I have done resteem and upvote. I gave the answer at number 5 on this contest
Hi @iebalgamge
Welcome to #xpilarcontest of image 7
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 5
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
@sultan-aceh, I want to participate tonight's #xpilarcontest. I guess picture number 5. I've read how to play this contest on @xpilar post.
Hi @zelaazhari94
Welcome to #xpilarcontest of image 7
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 5
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
The combination of red and green makes it a very bright photo ...
very good shooting @sultan-aceh
I'm following #xpilarcontest.
A suitable answer from post @sultan-aceh is picture no 5.
I have left comments on post @sultan-aceh, I have reestem, upvote posting him and you.
Hi @wadynoer
Welcome to #xpilarcontest bit of image 7
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 5
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @ sultan-aceh
I hope so @sultan-aceh and @xpilar and always success for both of you guys
Sangat mengerikan sekali, tapi hasilnya sesuai dengan perjuangnnya, keren bang!!!!
terima kasih
Well @sultan-aceh you are among the most finest Botanist Photographers and i love your every single shot you took :)
You are spreading a message of peace and love through your art of photography, massive respect for you
P.S: I am following @xpilar contest :)
Hi @salmanbukhari54
read the contest rules, #xpilarcontest bit of image 7
hope you win
come back to comment here, that you have followed
Regards @sultan-aceh
Foto yang sangat menarik dan tehnik pengambilan gambar yang sangat baik
Postingan @sultan-aceh selalu di tunggu tunggu.
Lebah adalah serangga yang sangat bermanfaat bagi kelangsungan hidup tumbuh tumbuhan,karena lebah secara tidak langsung membantu proses penyerbukan bunga menjadi buah.....
This is my answer on contest part 7 Number 5
Thank @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Hi @fianna
Welcome to #xpilarcontest of image 7
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 5
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @ sultan-aceh
I participated in the 7th contest made by @xpilar in collaboration with @sultan-aceh. I have resteem, upvote and give answer picture number 5 on this contest
Hi @ulyaazhari
Welcome to #xpilarcontest of image 7
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 5
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
I participated in the #xpilarcontest event this morning. My answer is picture number 5 in the contest you created in collaboration with @xpilar
Hi @racheelsteem
Welcome to #xpilarcontest of image 7
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 5
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @ sultan-aceh
hy @sultan- aceh
I attended a contest held by @xpilar
for the answer I chose the number 5
and I have also upvote and resteemit post @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
and this is the link contest held by xpilar.
hopefully I am the winner this time
and thank you for sharing a very interesting post here I hope sultan-aceh continue to provide us interesting and useful postings for our greetings from zamzami-jams
Hi @zamzami-jams
Welcome to #xpilarcontest of image 7
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 5
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Terima kasih @sultan-aceh
Semoga Sultan-aceh sehat selalu .
Videonya menarik dan gak bosenin gambar2 nya jg sangat tajam. Saya beberapa kali disengat lebah waktu zaman kanak2 dulu,akibatnya jadi bengkak, panas dan gatal. Sy Gk perhatiin jenis lebah apa tapi seingat saya lebahnya hitam dan ada garis kuning. Sukses ya mas atas karyanya:)
terima kasih ... @marlenny
senang mendengarnya
Most welcome @sultan-aceh
Foto yang bagus @sultan-aceh, seperti biasa lengkap dengan videonya
Setau saya spesies ini adalah lalat emas yang menyerupai lebah dan tidak berbahaya kerena dia tanpa sengat. kita lihat lebih detil morfologinya sama dengan lalat pada umumnya, mata semunya berbentuk besar, tubuh nya dan sayapnya juga sama persis.
Spesies ini berbentuk seperti hampir samadengan lebah dengan kombinasi warna serupa. hewan ini beruntung karena hewan lain yang menyukai lalat takut untuk mendekat kerena hewan lain tersebut mengira itu lebah. Tapi aneh dia hinggap di bunga tujuannya mengambil nektar dan memakan serangga kecil. Lalat emas ini bermanfaat bagi tumbuhan untuk penyerbukan.
Ini hanya sebatas pengetahuan saya.
Salam @mfaisalyusuf
terima kasih
Sama-sama @sultan-aceh
Unik lalat(menyerupai lebah) satu ini penghisap nektar dan terbangnya seperti lebah..
Semoga kita selalu bisa berbagi dan terus tumbuh bersama di steemit dan dalam hal photo saya sangat mengharap suatu saat bisa belajar bersama dari @sultan-aceh
Salam @mfaisalyusuf
Foto yang sangat indah @sultan-aceh saya kagum sama anda @sultan-aceh, benar-benar menakjubkan saya perlu bimbingan dari anda,,, teruslah berkreasi @sultan-aceh
terima kasih
Bukankah itu seekor lalat bang, tapi kenapa dia memakan sari dari bunga bang @sultan-aceh
bukan ..... lebah aneh ... baru dapat ... belum kena patok ya heheheh
Hehehe matap kali jika kena patokannya bang
Tapi bentuknya seperti lalat bang eu
hehehehhe ..... makajih ... ka eh malaaaaaam hahahahah
Hahaha Eh malam bang, brat hek nyoe
Bang neusawe sige geu bek meulalat
Meah meunye salah long komen lage nyoe
Mantap that nyan bang @sultan-aceh
Kedepannya kami tunggu postingan selanjutnya, semangat bang
terima kasih @munawwir97
Im following #xpilarcontest
my answer is figure 5 and im already upvote and resteem your post
Regards to @sultan-aceh and @xpilar
Hi @jeffryphysio
Welcome to #xpilarcontest of image 7
You did well.
your choice picture number no. 5
hopefully be a winner
Regards @xpilar and @sultan-aceh
Bang nyoe peu na ne pakek lensa macro lensbong ?, Sebab biasa menyoe ta zoom Brat trat akan pecah gambar jih.
Atao kadang na trik Laen supaya gambar jih tajam lagee nyoe .
Makasih bang
hana bang ... cuma wakte neu photo wakte na cahaya sagai ... beungoh ... cot uro ... supot poh 4 ...
bek neu halang cahaya wakte neu photo ...
tapi neu peu sampeng jeut ...
great photography..........
amazing photography.
i like animals .
thanks for share..
Woww amigo sorprendentes imágenes :D
That's a amazing photography.
this natural animal photography is really good dear
just mind blowing shoot that is
carry on
this photography is just awesome dear
really that is remarkable that is
carry on
wonderful photography.
i like nature.
beautiful nature photography.
keep it up