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RE: Report All Category 2️⃣ #Ping Missions Here!

in #ping2 years ago

Hi @iskafan!

Just a quick check in! At the time of your sign-up for Operation #Ping a list capture of your followers was done. As it turns out, because this is a new follower, they are not on the list and will not count towards a #Ping Back. This is done all across the board in the exact same way (with all commanders) so as to keep things fair and making implementation smooth and simultaneous.

You have managed to get quite a number of new followers recently! Congratulations! 🤩

So having checked you follower list here on @Comet.Ranker's systems your list begins with the following follower: "bukolajiboye"

I thought that this would help to inform you of where @Comet.Ranker's list (of your followers) begins and your list ends!

Sorry if this meant some extra #Ping's weren't recognized! But at least you know what the "❌" symbol represents now.

Good luck with all of your missions!

Please let me know if you have any questions along the way!

That's what I'm here for!

Comet Ranker


Oh ok. Thanks for the heads up.

It's never wasted effort to connect with new followers! I'm really glad that you made that effort @iskafan! 🙌

No, I don't find it wasteful. I enjoyed interacting with them. 🤗

That's what I noticed as well! That's why I came by and gave your efforts to connect some love! Keep going! Your doing amazing! 🙌