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RE: Proof of Brain Theory & Further Optimization

in #pob3 years ago

As I've become more involved with the bad people downvote folks, I've also been pondering ways to help keep abuse to a minimum on both sides of the coin. It's hard finding a way to strike a balance between giving power to "good" people without also risking those good people becoming bad actors because they now have power. I think you're getting close, with the ideas above, to finding a way.

And as an extension of what @antisocialist said, if more people spent time in the @hivewatchers Discord, they would get a feel for the lengths some bad actors go in denying they've done anything wrong. It's given me a somewhat depressing, but necessary reality check that we need more individuals like @guiltyparties and groups like HiveDownvoteRewards: to keep reward pool abuse in check.

It's always the grey areas that trip me up though - like the situation with @playdice that @braaiboy wrote about a short time after your post (The broken downvote system ) that echos something similar that happened with @pixresteemer's sadly nuked Dice Roller Game. I totally get that we don't want the blockchain overrun with gambling apps and spammers/scammers trying to cheat the system, but where do we draw the line? And who does the drawing?

Lots to think about, and thanks for helping to continue the conversation, Dan. Even if my brain hurts now. 😂


Yeah... like I said in my post: I (mostly) agree that we do need someone to keep things in check, but I don't think that "someone" should be a single person or even just a handful. The decisions are far too subjective.

but where do we draw the line? And who does the drawing?

and in addition: How does the offender rectify/appeal the line when that line is drawn incorrectly?

I totally get that we don't want the blockchain overrun with gambling apps

I actually disagree with this part. Not everyone is a seasoned writer, so writing 300/1000/???+ word articles is not necc. for everyone. Unless of course that is all we want HIVE to be... a blogging platform (as long as your articles meet XYZ criteria)
... a) I think that's very limiting... but b) then we sit with the problem again of drawing that line of what IS blogging and what should be downvoted.
Is sharing a post with a 30 min video and 2 sentences introducing it OK? What about (an EPIC) 30sec video & 5 words? etc. etc. ... I think we're making the same point though: Who draws the line, and what recourse is there when they get it wrong?

It's a community effort, join the discords and put in your two cents.
If you see something you don't like, bring attention to it.

We are a social platform, we should be social.
Walling ourselves off is what leads to these divisions.
Miscommunications are certain when we don't express ourselves to each other.

Yeah, That's exactly what I did... but HW isn't very good at communicating other than copy-pasting "These are our rules, this is how you bow down to us and apologise and then we'll consider looking into it"

Their curt "you've been found guilty of vote-buying" (which is false and what I was trying to dispute) was all the time they were willing to spend on me.

... and then the wheels fell off after being ignored for a few days on discord, I took to a (drunken) rant on-chain #FacePalm

It's a community effort

I agree it should be... but right now it's not :-(

Exercise your duty to mitigate abuse.

Appeal blacklist flags here.

Get your flag reviewed for redemption.

These is where most of the discussion of flags is held.
Not all flaggers join us here, but alot do.
I've been in H-DR since it began.
If nobody in the community steps up and offers input then the small crowd of folks willing to flag abuse just do what they do.
More input is welcome and needed.
You can just lurk until you need to speak out.
Dissent is appreciated, by most of us.

Pulling from the pool to finance business endeavors has been frowned upon since very early on.
Steemsports comes to mind.
I was making more voting steemsports than I was posting.
If you voted the winning team you got to split the liquid rewards from the comment.

I guess I missed the playdice dustup, but I would've pointed to steemsports as an example.
The pool is for enticing newbs, not financing a gambling habit, imo.
Being a blogger, and not much of a gambler, I might be biased.

I don't like curie and the other gangs financing payoffs for their members from the pool, either.
Those payoffs come at the expense of the redfish on the long tail, the very people we are trying to attract.
It's counterintuitive, I know.
Everybody wants a whale vote, nobody understands that that value comes from everybody else.

When whales, or curation gangs, vote, everybody else gets less.