FLOOD A DESERT - GROW ALGAE - SAVE EARTH - Daily Spigot 11/12/18

in #poetry • 6 years ago


Another new idea has emerged, for reducing earth’s CO2 excess.
An idea with admissions of possibility, media seems loathe to express.
Fighting the excess by flooding a desert sounds crazy, but it could work,
Should we agree to look into trying or trust skeptics who say it’s knee-jerk?
A flooded desert producing algae would suck much CO2 from the air
Producing fertilizer by-products as an added incentive to DARE.

Stronger blood flow to the brain predicts dementia a decade before
The very first symptoms appear, and this actually tells a lot more.
A 15 year-long study of patients, resulted in exposing this knowledge.
Scientists conducting the study were from London’s University College.
They found a 50% higher risk, testing those whose blood flow was stronger,
Of having dementia within a decade; if younger, they’d have it much longer.

We really like an article we found, exposing a press manipulation,
Of printing pesky headlines that push, rivalry and ascribed agitation
Between the Duchesses Meghan and Kate; it shows how low they can go,
And they do it so much it appears to us, they actually choose to go low.
If complicit in starting a real fight between them, how would that be cool?
It shows to us an evil intent that angers even nobody’s fool.

Pippa Middleton and her husband, finally told what they named their son.
It’s Arthur Michael William Matthews; is a third name commonly done?
Or are the Matthews attempting, to project that they’re royals as well,
When they aren’t royal in any regard, and aren’t served by royal personnel?
The fact that they took a whole month, to simply reveal the kid’s name
Kind of suggests they feel they’re important; entitled to notice and fame.

Scientists have found we’ve 25 years left, ‘til we’re done for, headlines blare.
We wondered if the article mentioned, that CO2 can be sucked from the air.
Or that Magnesite now is swiftly produced, drawing CO2 from air surrounding.
So we read it and found that it didn’t, which says a lot about views they’re expounding.

The Cost Is Low To Remove Excess Co2 – Why Aren’t They?

The more that we read about carbon dioxide, and how it’s a threat all around,
We still have to wonder what’s going on, when a solution to remove it’s been found.
94 dollars per metric ton is the cost to extract it from the air.
Yet all anyone continues to do, is to argue about how it got there.

Scientists now can produce a mineral, that could end the global warming.
In nature it takes hundreds of thousands of years, for the mineral, Magnesite’s forming.
The scientists’ method takes 72 hours, for Magnesite to be produced.
So, will they do this or like Co2 extraction, see to it that they’re never used?

The news, the news, there's so much in the news
The daily fabrications are so grand.
You likely won't be seeing much differing of views
Because they're all in lock step, understand?



Great approach on global warming front. But focusing only on one aspect of any problem tend to have disastrous side-effects, think of polythene everyone focused on it being cheap, think of CFCs for refrigeration which caused holes in ozone. With that I would argue that this idea has to studied further for its viability (any scientists here that are in this field?).
Thanks for sharing a nice article.

Yes, there definitely needs to be reduced carbon going into the atmosphere, and efforts on that front have been steady and improving. These ingenious new methods of removing carbon from our atmosphere just don't get much attention it seems. We need a way to clean up our atmosphere because just ending all carbon emissions won't solve the problem. I feel a duty to write about them, and hope the info on this angle gets out there to spur awareness and more support for further testing and development.

The ozone hole would probably have been closed by now, if China hadn't been dumping the CFCs for the past several years in secret, and in defiance of the worldwide ban. I doubt if they've even stopped now that they've been outed as the country that's been the origin of illegal releases (and they may still be releasing, for all we know). I haven't seen any news of China saying, "Oh gee, our bad. We'll take care of that and put an end to it right now!" I've only seen the recent reports that China was the guilty country.

Thanks for reading and commenting!