It just seems to accelerate more every day. Now I have a grandson, hard to believe! He's pretty sharp too, I taught him square roots last time I saw him...he'll be 5 in August.
He loves math, in any form! He was writing Roman numerals on a dry board when I first visited. It seems to match the way he thinks, he's giving the school fits to try to challenge him!
It just seems to accelerate more every day. Now I have a grandson, hard to believe! He's pretty sharp too, I taught him square roots last time I saw him...he'll be 5 in August.
Wow, you are teaching him Square root in such a small age, our education system is too slow.
He loves math, in any form! He was writing Roman numerals on a dry board when I first visited. It seems to match the way he thinks, he's giving the school fits to try to challenge him!
It will be interesting to watch him grow!
Having the little children for your heritage makes you remember your childhood years.Regardless of time they depict what you exactly were.
He is fun! My Daughter told him that I was her Daddy...that impressed him, LOL. Now he knows what a Grandpa really is!
He's computer savvy, he recently ordered himself a bunch of stuff from Amazon.