Turn mellow,
Age and ripen
Like fall sunshine—
And you glow brighter
In the autumn light.
It’s romantic
Being in the woods
With you—
There’s fire,
A roof of branches,
And an eternity to watch the rain.
You become the autumn
And your colors
Outshine summer—
You make everything
Especially rain.
The mist mutes
What the lake
The grays and blues
Of rainy days
And your hair falls—
For just one moment
Across your face
And I am lost
In a swirling dance
Of red maple leaves.
Qué hermosa descripción nos traes hoy de tu amada, @johnjgeddes. Ciertamente los sentimientos y los seres humanos vivimos esas estaciones. Desde la primavera colorida hasta el invierno gris y helado. En este poema me gratifica encontrar la mirada de un hombre que agradece el paso de ese tiempo, la presencia permanente que hace reconocible al otro en su vida. Y es que vemos cómo la presencia de la amada cambia de color todo a su alrededor. Cuando hablamos del paso del tiempo en una relación, hablamos de cómo esa llama se convirtió en una vela o chimenea que acompaña, que esa semilla se convirtió en árbol donde guarecerse. Bonita noche!
Muy perceptivo al ver las metamorfosis de mi amada en las estaciones, Nancy. Eres un lector tan perspicaz :)
Relationships are like the seasons! In life, autumn looks like old age, hence autumn. It speaks of a relationship of time and maturity.
It does! Thank you for your response.
Dancing in those leaves with you. Beautiful, John.
thanks, lydon :)
Beautifully written... The poetry smells of pure love and is amazing.... Great job @johnjgeddes
Thank you!
OK, I'm not the sappy sort, yet just that single first line - all that I could see in the feed - was too enchanting to ignore. I read the rest and must say that not a word was ill-chosen. It's beautiful, wholesome and entrancing. You are a frightfully skilled poet! Thank you for sharing. I'm going to subscribe and resteem too.
wow, very beautiful!
Very nice John beautiful lines....
Very creative thanks for sharing.
I really love poems about unrealized love and moments of happines. This made my night! Have a good one..