Roses are red
Violets are blue
Upvote this poem
It's the right thing to do
Follow your heart
Because where this art came from
A whole lot of other art came from
I see you thinking, what?
What did you just say?
But this is a poem
So there are no rules
So hey
Obama out
Author: justpatrick aka smoothelevator aka bitcoinsoverfemaledogs aka MClikeapost aka Freebillcosby aka whenisayblockyousaychain aka IcouldgoonbutIguessIllstop aka hahayouthoughtIsaidgoon
- Reproducing any of this content is punishable by law. (it's unprecendented uniqueness may only be used after consent of the author)
- Please don't forget to follow - it's really important.
- Soon will be announcing the "art of poetic poetry" workshop - 10 percent discount for early birds - stay tuned!
- In development: "When to use there or their, the appropriate way." (a really exciting Ebook, entirely free. Yes I said free!)
- Please be constructive in your feedback or criticism. I am an indigo child.