The Wrong Arms

in #poetry6 years ago

You go to waste
In the wrong arms
Like an everyday snitch
Fenced in by cigars

The ghost still shows up
But your smile never ends
The ropes fastened tight
With a fisherman's bend

It would be a lie
To say I did all I could
I could have done more
In all likely-hood

What everyone does
You continue to do
Drinking the kool-aid
Getting a tattoo

I hear you got married
And that you're pleasing the lord
I hope you are happy
And you earn your reward

I must have failed
The intelligence test
That's why I wear
This bullet proof vest

It's under my coat
They're following me
The men dressed in black
Who know I broke free

These lines you follow
In your trip to the end
Have left me with little
Not even a friend

But it isn't so bad
This life that I lead
I wish you the best
Farewell and godspeed

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Echoes of Cohen (whom I see you once admired) and Morrissey (whom I once admired...). Good to meet you, poet!

Thanks @yahialababidi. It's amazing and very astute of you to pick up on some of my influences. It's true that as I get older I don't look up to or altogether trust these characters as much as I used to.

I know, because they were influences of mine, too, and shaped my mental/emotional landscape as a writer and person. I think part of growing up, or maturing, is seeing the clay feet of our idols...

Good meeting you. Very well put and very true.