Pierced - Purple Flower

in #poetry7 years ago

In anticipation of the coming Easter

just around the corner now....................


I thought I would dredge up one of my old poems.

I hope that you like it.........



Purple Flower

Pierced by my passion for a Purple Flower
Eyes wide open to the thorn
This the year, this the day, this the hour
To which my punctured heart is born.


ouzo and out,

PiercedHardrive 2025.JPG

Image credits:
(1) https://pixabay.com
(2) https://pixabay.com
(3) @twiceuponatime

There are 2 pages

καλημερα...εγω θα εδινα αλλο νοημα παντως... παντως οι στοιχοι πιστευω οτι ειναι πολυδιαστατη...παλια εγραφα και οι συγκεκρημενοι μου αρεσουν παρα πολυ!!!

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I wonder if I am just thinking this or is it true?

Are you talking about the third eye chakra here ?

Because it is violet in color, the crown chakra is purple and when they open, they open like a flowers !!

the second line of eyes wide open indicates it more that it symbolises the chakras.

and then there is heart chakra as well,

also when the chakras of a person blossoms, he takes a new birth.

I ain't sure if this is what you mean by your poem, but if it's true, then hats off to you :D


The meaning of poetry is in the (third) eye of the beholder.
You have a beautiful third eye!

Ahh !! That's a beautiful reply !!

Applaud !!

Thank you so much :)

I am a deep thinker. Haha

Beware of drowning.

Hahaha !!

Wise reply !

I sometimes think so much about things that my friends tell me to take a chill, relax and not think so much !!

It is indeed true that anything if exceeds the limits becomes harmful !!

I will be careful and try to remember your suggestion. Thank you ;)

I am in Greece, where Good Friday is still a week away.

You can read this next Friday then

As a painter, I often struggle with the interpretation of written art. I'm sure, my approach of trying to put the words together like pieces of a puzzle is rather simplistic...

So, I'm lead to believe, its about Easter (call me Einstein). Purple, the mix of the divine blue and the red for man points towards god in human appearance, Jesus Christ. He is wearing the crown of thorns (as in the picture above).. Eyes wide open to the thorn, he knowingly and consciously went down this path (to end his human existence)... then the date of course.

Not sure I understand the "punctured heart". Reborn is clear, but the punctured heart must point to something else, as from all I know, wasn't it Jesus's liver they punctured?

Therefore I think it must be something personal you connect with the day and event then... 🤔

See what you get from the visuals in this music video:

Dead Can Dance Summoning Of The Muse

Definitely a very strong visual language, which makes me wonder, if it is really the video to the music, or the other way round. The beginning reminded me of an event I saw in Toledo a few years ago and in a way it all made me think of the art of Dino Valls...

Already watched that on the other comment and wondered, if there is a direct relationship to your poem. Together it gives me a... hard to describe feeling of:

Captivated by the mystery of faith... but also aware of the problems of institutionalized religion... finally finding true spirituality or love (of god and/or his creation)...

Something like that. English isn't my native language, so its quite difficult to explain what I mean in this context... hope it makes sense

Peter Gabriel's music for The Last Temptation of Christ is stunning!!!!

Have you seen the movie as well? It is based on the Greek novel.


Like you perhaps, I don't do organized religion very well. Dogma isn't my strong suit :-)
But I try to get along :-)

You are right with the organized religion. I don't go to church, but I believe in a creative force.. won't even call it energy, as that is misused too much in my humble opinion.

Love Peter Gabriel. That piece is awesome. I haven't seen the movie, nor read the novel. But I know the El Greco painting on the cover ;-)

The movie is seminal IMHO. The novel, which I am learning Greek so that I can read it some day in the original, was the cause of the author being excommunicated from the organized Church.

I'm getting the impression that you're talking about the pineal gland here! Especially taking into consideration this beautiful view of yours!

Have a great time!

If I'm not, I should have been, right? :-)



@onceuponatime It's more than obvious now! I'm more than happy to know we share the same beliefs!! Regarding spirituality at least!

I believe that Love will find a way. And in stumbling towards ecstasy.
Happy Easter.

That was a small yet so inspiring post! Even those last lines.

Happy Easter to you too, sir!

Easter is just around the corner and this post around the word "pierced" remind me also about the traditional chocolate Easter eggs (with a surprise inside). When I was a child I couldn't open them before Easter, but my dad pierced a bit the eggs so I could see what there was inside ^_^
Beautiful poem!!!

Beautiful story!

Yours one is very beautiful too.

I really like your purple flower poem. you are genuine writer sir. i want to share my own poetry.

The image of a forgotten woman blooms as a purple flower,
Our very strong breath developed particles of Solarity
The wind's omnipresent motion of the wind-green waves
As the phosphorus blows and falls
Another broad beach in the deep.

Thank you for sharing it. You seem to have some deep insights.

Thank you so much sir.
This one is only for you sir,

Friendship is like the relationship between hands and eyes. When there is an injury in the hand, tears of eyes drop. Again, when the tears of eyes drop, then the hand wipes.

you made my day sir! Now i am very inspired to writing my poetry! because i always writing poetry sir but nobody not interated my poetry.

To be honest, I was expecting a poem with a twist... just like all your posts.

I am pleasantly surprised. :)

Happy Easter!

You didn't find it twisted? I am so disappointed :-)

I take full responsibility and accept my punishment.

You're not even going to put up a fight?

Not today!

I like to think the strongest position one can be is in complete surrender. And besides, I am not so good at kung fu fighting, even if it's metaphorical.

You're right of course!

Our hearts are wild creatures, perhaps that is why our ribs are cages; I think not. For they are the silly crazy foolish little things that go about slipping and sliding, and more dangerously, falling in the dark.

By-Power Poetry

Didn't Eve, and by extension women, steal one of the ribs in Adam's, and our, cages? Maybe we can escape through that gap?
"They taught me in School of such spaces."

I am writing a poem about eagles, I dedicate to you @onceuponatime me
hope you like it.
I also often write poems in my blog, because I like poetry and poetry.
I know my poetry is still a lot of flaws I hope you can judge my poetry.

Your wings stretch out to measure the air
Your voice echoes like a gigantic pluit
Your claws are sharp, ready to pounce on your morning breakfast
Your beak is beautiful, yet threatening
Days give you a game
You play with jokes, but mixed with death

You are a king in the sky
You are the symbol of the might of space
You are a flying rifle
Ready to hit the poor souls

Your nest is the sky
Your house is the sky
Your body is in the sky
Your soul in the sky
Eat you also in the sky

really deep poetry. I am confused to interpret the meaning you wrote in the poem.

but, I really respect your work. this is really good poetry, I really like the strands of your poetry.

Thank you @onceuponatime for sharing to us

@pot87 says: "I am confused to interpret the meaning you wrote in the poem."

My suggestion? More, or less, pot for you @pot87. Either should help!

Aaah! I love collaborative posts! @onceuponatime and @twiceuponatime work together in the name of art! :)

I have to keep a very close eye on him. I suspect that he is much more intent on stealing the show than "collaborating"!

Oh well! Kids can be rather untamed, but we all know who is the genius in these posts! ;)

thank you for taking my side in these family matters :-)

A round of applause for you, lol...

Pierced by my passion for a Purple Flower
Eyes wide open to the thorn
This the year, this the day, this the hour
To which my punctured heart is born.


I used to think that a poem should be a bit long before passing a message to the reader or listener.
But this surely has proved me wrong.
Short, precised and filled with deep messages.

Blending colours (purple) with an event (Easter), I really admire this..

Bravo my friend @onceuponatime


Image credits:
(3) @twiceuponatime

Ok, he might be an ass to you from time to time but at least he let's you use his photos!

That's not enough to make up with having to put up with his snarly presence in my life!

so, who is the yin and who is the yang?

Oh! I thought you knew!
We are actually part of a threesome!


Yin, Yang & Yung

Still, you didn't answer the question!

Please! I'm trying to be politically correct!

Wow, how it is made? It seems wood and it remind me a little bit of Pisano's art ^^ Cool

Sorry, I got it from a stock image off of https://pixabay.com and I don't know the artist.
I so hope that you are not thoroughly disillusioned with me now :-)

Has to be one of my favourite posts of yours!!!!
💗 💗 💗

An old poem and some stock photos? You are too kind!

But I already knew that :-)

Great lines. I really like your post. Ending with rhyming words makes it more good like thorn and born. This is awesome.

Thank you.

No problem. Keep sharing such content

So your poetry defines well both images. Your poetry touches the heart who will read your in-depth poetry. Liked it...:)

"Touching hearts. One poem at a time."

Nice, but I could never live up to it :-)

Beautiful poem. Happy easter.

Happy Easter to you too!


Who, @twiceuponatime or me? Careful now.

Hahaha the poem of course, but you guys are also good looking from an aesthic view with homosexual intentions :-D

Don't judge a book by it's intentions. Judge it by it's cover.

Awwwnnnn this is beautiful. Yaaaayyyy its Easter period. How did I forget that?

Your mind was probably on chocolate.

Hahahahahahaha OMG Thats quite funny 🙈🙈🙈

It's a fantastic quadruplets with a beautiful rhyme scheme, it reflect a bit of sweetness and mildness, I look at the effect and I felt your use of consonance,
Sir it's fantastic and brilliant I never knew you wrote poems

I was doing all that? Really? Wow!

Awesome picture very unique and classic, flowers is pretty with poetry. Easter is coming that's fantastic 💕

Happy Easter!

You've got to be one that, wherever you are, like a flower, you've got to blossom where you're planted. You cannot eliminate darkness. You cannot banish it by cursing darkness. The only way to get rid of darkness is light and to be the light yourself.
Your words are really awesome.

Thank you. Your words are wise.

My pleasure

Hi dear @onceuponatime
How are you?...
Dear your art photography is a amazing..
& well post..
I really like your post.
Thanks for sharing this post..
I am new your blog done..
I just @resteem & #upvote

And you got 5 votes so far, including mine. Way to go!!! Happy Easter.

Yes..dear @onceuponatim... Thank you

Sharing your old ones ,it feels nice when a person shares his own work that has grown old .with ay passing you feel like the words grow more meaningful like i m feeling now...
The third picture you love you dad alot..😍

Old stuff can take on additional meanings with more life experience. That's for sure!

With experience you gain wisdom and with wisdom you become powerful.

Old is gold sir,your poem is fantastic.This line is greet:
This the year, this the day, this the hour
To which my punctured heart is born.

Thanks for sharing with us

May the Easter Bunny bring you chocolate galore!

wow! this is amazing, very beautiful Purple Flower and the poetry lovely.
Awesome picture last one :)

Happy Easter!

I always respect poetry. The poet reveals the diversity of the people @onceuponatime

That's a nice thought. Happy Easter.

Poetry actually speaks of human mind. It is good that you write.

Thank you. Happy Easter!

You are welcomewelcome_884222262.jpg

Pierced by my passion for a Purple
Eyes wide open to the thorn
This the year, this the day, this the hour
To which my punctured heart is born.
Just outstanding #writing

Very meaningful poetry. This part i liked this is the hour to which my punctured heart is born.
Your heart is born for this nice thought you are great poet.
Best of luck

Pain makes man think. Thought makes man wise. Wisdom makes life endurable.

I wish there was a shortcut, but I don't think that there is :-)

Mistake make experience and experience is the key of success

In that case, I have quite a large collection of keys LOL

Collect your mistake and learn in mistake.

Life can be full of emotions or pain It can sometimes bring you down that you feel weak By years go by, you start to over come those emotions

And have years ever gone by!!!!

Not really

nices posts i like your posts and i am thankful to you and thanks to share a posts and i am supported to you.

I am not that good at reading Poetry, it's because my lack of imagination, i like your poem but frankly speaking i didn't get it.If you don't mind, will you explain it to me, if you have time.

Please @onceuponatime

It might be quicker if you just took some drugs :-)

R U serious !! :-)

Not if U R.
Otherwise, yes.

Okay then.

Pierced by my passion for a Purple Flower
Eyes wide open to the thorn
This the year, this the day, this the hour
To which my punctured heart is born.

Great poetry. Words can puncture a heart beyond repair. I love the artwork.

@onceuponatime ... with the help of @twiceuponatime you create an emotional connection with all of the symbolism you have used - both spoken & unspoken.

Be very careful about praising @twiceuponatime. I don't trust him. He can be very manipulative.

So you are the influencer & he is the manipulator ...

Sssshhhhh! I think he's listening!

good post. I really like the artwork. in your post, I get a lot of inspiration through your work.

let art through steemit together and let us achieve success in steemit with art

Thank you @onceupontime for sharing in steemit

Seems you didn't like my post enough to upvote it though :-)

No Sir, my network signal is bad.

I did upvote and resteem your post. Because your poem is different. Good poetry

Before I read , I see a photo and I feel a suffering.

Before I was even born I felt that suffering :-)

Happy easter in advance

I like poetry.
Outstanding poetry
I apreciate your post @onceuponatime

I really like the connection between the poem and the picture! @twiceuponatime he can definitely pose. where is this picture taken? China?

Hey! How come @twiceuponatime gets the credit? What about all the work I do?
The picture is at the Summer Palace in Beijing.

I always acknowledge your work🏆!

Summer Palace in Beijing seems a peaceful place, added to my bucket list for sure!

So pleasant and Heart touching poetry you have written, Really a nice bunch of words...
Thumbs up for you mate....

Awesome post.
I like that @onceuponatime
Upvote your post

So you are a poet too! :) Also your photo there looks great, you look really happy maybe that lovely landscape did its work there!!

I think happiness is a choice, not a place :-)

Oh yes absolutely, I just thought that this place inspired you or something!

this flower has other colours also
people ignore these colours like my crush ignores me

i guess you are feeling crushed by your crush. Well, happy Easter anyway :-)

When the heart is pierced, it is not scary looking, not scary piercing eyes. Beautiful verse. I, too, sometimes am fond creation of verses. And you're right that everyone finds meaning in them. For me, your poem is revealed in the sense of accepting the inevitable bitter truth. How Jesus took death for us. Nor should we be afraid to open our hearts and eyes to the pain of others. We should not be indifferent. You need to be able to accept someone else's pain and suffering, as their own. And fight against evil together.

wow you are a poet too that's epic multi talented person :D

Kind of you to think so!

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