Anarchy does not mean what you think it does.

What I am trying to say at the end of this is


10% is not enough.

The theoretical 80ish% of People may follow that 10% only because it's "trending". And during that process, there will still be "thuggees" (not necessarily meaning they have to be "people of India", see the sumarían swindle vol 1 by g_d) trying to scheme and take out as many as the 10% first then the rest for good measure. Then they will their population numbers to what they want.

But I do think that no matter what, there will always be resistance to being enslaved. Whether it gets to be even worse than the hunger games, eventually the ruling class will fall completely, for a while. Maybe permanently. Who knows?

I do think nature can give us a reset that can knock down intelligence in a species for hundreds of centuries. And just maybe that is what happened with Atlantis, ancient Summer, Egypt, the Incas, etc. The evidence available publicly sure suggests this.

The point is, cycles repeat. And time of real peace without rulers may be just a cycle in a larger spiral of cycles to come.

To those who still want to have any government whether it be less or more, it makes no difference, We're going to crash on these topics I'm afraid.

Funny how sometimes while speaking about anarchy, automatically everyone is assuming I want war, chaos and destruction and to hell all. The truth is the exact opposite.

Those who know what anarchy is know that is not what anarchy suggests at all we do. But because people love their enslavement so much, they will see that not having rulers(presidents, etc) as something very dangerous for human kind.

This is partly why anarchists are in daily danger all the time. Anarchists themselves don't pose any real danger to anyone. Hell they don't even want to tell you how to live your life. They just want everyone to live their own in peace and for everyone else to live and let live. To not support slave systems such as "government".

But nooooo.

Let's just have maybe a little bit of government right?

How do you propose to do that? Reduce government?

How does one reduce "government"? Do you even know what the fuck that really is?

I'm not anti government. I'm an anarchist living in a prison planet filled with much wonder and joy yes, but to forcibly need permission to do everything in it, it's a major drag and you know it too. And it's the billions of people complying to a small group of tyrannical individuals that make it happen.

We can't be against something that doesn't exist. That's a major part that separates us from those who want "less government"(Whatever that means).

What we are against is the idea of having rulers. For ethical reasons mainly. We know that no amount of government, big or small is going to matter.

It's like saying, well how about we just reduce the slave plantation to a smaller size? You think the "owners" will even let you make their kingdom smaller, by changing codes and statutes, writing arbitrary deceleration of independence again, or voting, paying taxes, having wars in places not related to what is going on in your present location, etc?


Responding to comments on similar topics


Original Comment

We're going to crash on these topics I'm afraid. I just don't see what you are saying in part as a good idea. But first I want to address what you believe anarchy is.

A great video called, "What Anarchy is not" and to me it's pretty spot on. I think it should suffice for now.

Link is from yucktoilet

I have been studying anarchy as much as I could possibly can since 15y/o. I'm 33 now. It's not till about 9 years ago that it really sunk in. And even still I have a long way to go to know the history of anarchists in the past and stuff.

Some say Jesus Christ was an anarchist as well. And that the bible is the anarchist manifesto. I think maybe it can be. I don't follow any religion. I don't have any problem or issues with religious people so long as they are ethical to others. Then I'll call it out otherwise. What I do hate it the religious institutions corrupt nature. It's disgusting to say the least.


I'm speaking though, on a general global issue. The belief of authority, the cult of statism, the initial belief that we need any form of glorified cartels("'government' employees"), claiming the right to rule over everyone as kings and knights etc, forcing the good people to do their bidding, extorting them in every imaginable way, turning the people into happy docile slaves, etc.

No amount of government, large or small more or less, will be acting in the true good of the people, because the very idea of government is antihuman from its core. It's core nature is to enslave, enslave, enslave. There's a reason it's called "control mind" aka "GOVERN-MENT".

From the bottom to the top, from inside and out, it is currupt from start to finish.

I often hear the term, "government has become corrupt" but this is far from being correct. It implies that "government" was once not corrupt, but the truth of the matter is that "it" "always has been" corruption.

This is because it's very existence breaks all ethical and good moral principles "for the good of the people"("for the good of the people" is a phrase often used by control freaks to trick you into given them what they want)

That is, IF the idea was something real. It's not though, because it lacks a fundamental principle. The right to rule over others. Which no one has. Voting for leaders doesn't automatically give you that right to delegate that to someone else who is most likely evil. Lesser of the evils is still just evil.

They will say that they get that right from the people. Looking at it objectively, no one has this fundamental right. None have the right to rule over their neighbors by force, to elect others into that position of power for other people who didn't volunteer. It's slavery.
Click image to see article

It's nothing more than idea being forced into others through "fraudulent indoctrination" and all the other "how's". Who is doing it and who they are doing it to, changing that would not solve the issue we have. It won't solve issues because, like voting, it's just pixie dust to solve real word problems.

I'm not going to pretend that I know how to solve other people's delusions that authority is a must. I can't do that. But what I can do is point out the leaking bucket in that idea that they gaslight us all into believing it retains water.

But pure anarchy isn't the way. This election is proof of that.

Did you even read what I said?


The statist after reading this post fully:


Untitled design.png

Votes are donations too, but they run the risk of being taken away. Much like a tipping jar sitting at the counter, someone can snatch it if it isn't secure. Until the 7-day payout is over, it's very much at risk of getting a DV regardless if there is abuse or not. Don't waste your vote. Consider instead donating liquid HIVE & or HBD here.

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Thank you for reading my blog. All opinions are welcomed here.

Your dreams are only just beginning when you wake up.

The only proof an election has is to show the rest of us how far lost humanity is. It's sad to say the least.

Hate to say that we need more rule of law.

I love to say that I think that idea is completely bonkers.

Make prison hard labor again!

Yeah, more slavery, that'll teach them to disobey muh authority.

Make the rule of law harder...

Is this hard enough?

Now available at the nearest military surplus store:


Time for the anarchy to end. Too much violence. And crime.

Anarchy to end, meaning no rulers, meaning that you want more rulers.

I agree on the latter part though. Too much crime and violence especially in places where "government" rules.

And fuck Elon, he's just as much part of the NWO agenda schemers.


Anarchy means no rulers, NOT no rules. There are three Laws - Natural Law expressed as the three things not to do - that apply to All, and All are responsible for arresting (or calling for help onm arrenting) Any who break them.

_Three Laws (1).png

The #1 motivator for breaking these Laws is money/power. If, like the rare societies that emerged in abundance (like We have today but We emerged from scarcity), We had no need for money, the point to breaking these Laws is nigh nonexistent. And of course the tech that would make Our use of money pointless is avidly hidden and suppressed by the Ones with the money/power.

Anarchy is NOT pandemonium. That is a lie that the psychopaths push to create an indoctrinated aversion to the idea.

The Third Option: Anarcho-Abundancism (article):

Thank you always for the accurate addition to this post. Your dead on.

@dreamtales, you're rewarding 1 replies from this discussion thread.