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RE: Are Russians Fleeing to Avoid Being Drafted?

in #politics2 years ago

There are lots of problems with this narrative.

What i hear from Russians is that the country is VERY much behind Putin, especially after the shenanigans Zelenski pulled.

U-crane ordered every man to enlist, and basically shoved them to the front line without training.
These men weren't allowed to leave the country. Most fled to the countryside.

Now, they are saying Russian men are fleeing... But where would they go?
Everywhere is embargoed against them.

Further, Russia has been slowly taking over the Donbas without much casualties.
Always moving forward, inch by inch.... but you hear on the MSM that U-crane is launching devestating surprise attacks. But the only surprise attacks is The US cruise missiles, in U-crane, fired by The US Intelligence agents.

So, until i find out otherwise, i am going to put this story in the needs lots of evidence pile.