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RE: Professor Jordan Peterson refuses to cooperate with the crybullies.

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Considering these social justice/gender/women/social studies (not at all based in science, only ideology and pseudoscience) are funded by far regressive leftists, and the recent exposure on the democrats committing voter fraud and Obama being linked - these courses and all polices and laws related to them should all be reversed. I hope Trump wins because he said he would reverse the crap Obama has done.

Obama's administration are socialists marxists, and they are trying to take over the west with communism by using Saul Alinsky tactics; Rules for Radicals. These students and young people online have been massively brainwashed, I have talked to them and to those who have tried to reason, logic and compromise with these people - and you can't. They are completely indoctrinated.
Obama should be charged with many things, and one of them is this massive generational brainwashing. It is gaslighting, emotional and mental abuse.


I agree, hopefully people wake up quick enough to realize what is happening.

I watched the whole interview last night, its crazy ad I have nothing but respect for this guy. we need more like him speaking the truth.