in #politics5 months ago (edited)

““Again and again our Lord allows the world to crumble to the breaking point, so that people may feel the pain and learn to understand their place in the universe under a sovereign and loving Creator.”
- Justin Steckbauer...

I've reached my breaking point...

You can read about it in the article below...


Breaking Point (source)


by Duncan Cary Palmer

I have reached my breaking point, FED UP with "Christians" who--in the face of the UNMISTAKABLE evidence of the utter bankruptcy of nation-states--continue to worship human leaders, participate in the futile, superstitious ritual of "voting," and violate Jesus' crystal clear command to "love your neighbor" by enlisting the state to violently enforce arbitrary "laws" that rob and oppress...😠😡🤬🤮

"Democracy" is a sham not remotely worthy of saving.

There is only ONE human with any right whatsoever to rule humanity. He is "the Blessed and ONLY Sovereign (Paul, 1 Timothy 6:15). His name is Jesus.

Trump, Biden, Harris; Charles of Britain; Putin; etc.; ALL these "rulers" are quite literally "anti-christs," false substitutes for the one, true King.

"Jesus is LORD," the mantra of the called-out citizenry of the Kingdom of God, the original followers of King Jesus, was the "in your face" assertion that "Caesar is NOT in charge" of us...

How, then, is it that those who CLAIM to follow Jesus, the Anointed Prophet, Priest, and KING, continue to worship Donald Trump, Kamala Harris, or ANY OTHER pretender to the throne of humanity?🤔🧐😳

"They have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me from being king over them." - God, 1 Samuel 8:7

Christian, it is past time that you REPENT of this egregious behavior. "Come out from among them and be you separate," says the LORD. "Touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you." - 2 Corinthians 6:17

There IS no king, no ruler, no sovereign, no president, no prime minister other than Jesus. Come out of the darkness of "lord it over" human government into Jesus' marvelous Kingdom of light.


NOTE: Don't miss the enlightening hyperlinks in my posts.
IMAGES are my own, open source, by permission, or fair use.

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But the man on TV said I needed to pray to the pole quilt, tithe to their state god, and vote for their candidate as exalted ruler or we would be doomed to hell, and people born in the land of other pole quilts are evil, unless it's certain pole quilts. Then we can't criticize their exalted rulers.