Use violence to solve political issues, cover your face with a mask, destroy the "others"

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Antifa, KKK, and Black Lives Matter are three groups that have many similarities.

1) They all believe use of violence is justified by their "special grievance".  The three groups are all filled with thugs and hoodlums, for whom violence comes naturally, like breathing.

2) They often cover their face with masks to disguise identity, since they know what they are doing is illegal or not supported by public at large

3) They all target destruction of the "others" that won't support their opinion and won't support their getting reparations for their "special grievance".

4) They are all small special interest groups, existing at the extreme edges of society, with very limited mainstream support from adults with common sense and common decency.

Antifa are Marxists/communists, that want to destroy capitalists.  

Antifa has a "special grievance" against capitalists who allegedly take and manipulate and control too many resources that Antifa believe they are ENTITLED to, just because they are Antifa. ANTIFA REGULARLY USES VIOLENCE.

KKK are white supremacists, that want to destroy other races (Blacks, Jews, etc.).  

KKK has a "special grievance" against other races, who allegedly take and manipulate and control too many resources that the KKK believe that are ENTITLED to, just because they are the KKK. KKK REGULARLY USES VIOLENCE.

Black Lives Matter are violent thugs, that want to go after and destroy white policemen and women and the "white man in power".  

Black Lives Matter has a "special grievance" against the "white man in power", who allegedly takes and manipulates and controls too many resources that Black Lives Matter believe they are ENTITLED to, just because they are Black Lives Matter. BLACK LIVES MATTER REGULARLY USES VIOLENCE.

Do you see how all three groups are similar?

Do you see how all three groups are despicable and harmful to society?

Do you see how all three groups include violence in their toolkit, to intimidate and try to get what they want by force?

Antifa from 2017 on left, KKK from 1964 on right

And for the big wrap-up (fair warning: you will need to think and use logic below):

How often do you see the MSM condemning KKK, and demanding politicians MUST condemn KKK?

Answer: almost every time that KKK is mentioned, MSM demands that this group has to be condemned in the same sentence, in strongest possible terms.

How often do you see the MSM condemning Black Lives Matter and demanding politicians MUST condemn Black Lives Matter?

Answer: never, or almost never.

How often do you see the MSM condemning Antifa, and demanding politicians MUST condemn Antifa?

Answer: never, or almost never.

Now for the part where you have to think.

Why does MSM give a pass to Antifa and Black Lives Matter?

Answer: because the Democrats are counting on and desperately need these two voting blocks.

MSM never condemns the violence of Antifa and never condemns the violence of Black Lives Matter because these groups are "voter friendly" for Democrats, (in one of the most visible signs of gross hypocrisy we have seen in years from the people we are supposed to count on to tell us the "facts" in their news reports).

If you have any other explanation for why MSM doesn't condemn violence and demand that all politicians must condemn violence from these two groups, please let me know.

Please upvote if the article helped clarify your thought process on these three groups.  

For the record, all three are equally despicable in my opinion. Violence is never the answer to any political grievance, by any group, for any reason, under any circumstance, in my opinion.




Excellent post @davebrewer

There is no doubt about what you write. Violence in any form is to be condemned. The fact you took the time to parallel the tactics used by each group which, of course, you only had to do once and repeat for all three since they are the same, shows that there should be no tolerance for any of these groups.

The MSM is just the propaganda arm for the elite. Their job is still stir the pot. If there is peace, we might begin to look at what is really going on in this country and who is doing it. The elites cannot have that. So what do they do, stir the drink by promoting racial wars while taking about more liberties in the name of the war on terror and the safety of our children. Every time I hear either of those two phrases, I know some of my freedom just got flushed down the toilet.

Sensational post highlighting the media tolerance of violence when it politically suits their needs.

Thanks for thoughtful comments

You are welcome. I just started reading your posts and I like how you take the time to thoughtfully spell things out. You seem to have a view which is expressed without escalation or nastiness. The facts are spelled out in a concise manner and you leave it at that. Let the readers decide.

Oh one other refreshing thing, it is good to see a political viewpoint espoused, especially pertaining to violence, which condemns one side without absolving the other. You called out the media for utilizing this tactic: condemning the violence of the KKK while ignoring the violence of the left.

nicely said; reSteemed

Thanks for reading and commenting. Thanks for the resteem, from an esteemed Rep 66.


So sad to see what the world is doing today , violence has never solved anything and never will. It always creates more problems between parties , race , and whatever exists today . Violence will never stop , nothing will ever end :(

Violence is not the answer.

Which makes it puzzling that the media is so willing to tolerate violence when the violence originates with Antifa or with Black Lives matter.

Smells like a double standard.

All lives matter and justice should be served to everyone

"Give peace a chance"
"War is over, if you want it"
(John Lennon)

The MSNM is the propaganda arm of the dhmikratic party.
The KKK, Antifa, and BLM are the terrorists arms of the Dhmikratic Party.
I see no real difference.

Agreed. Evidence is mounting that there is no way to intrepret the MSM other than as an arm of the Democratic Party.

All hell will break loose once Trump gets around to tweeting that summary.

Also it is always "conveniently" forgot by MSM that the KKK is an invention and arose out of the Democratic Party.

MSM would like to pretend that KKK is a right wing group. Nope !!

Mr. KKKKKK Byrd from the Democrats was once a key player

Dhimmikrat great one!!! Now we need a term like that for the liberal party but that works for our New DhimmiCratic party.

Right wing...left wing...same bird.

Nice picture of a lawyer in its natural habitat. Most politicians are lawyers.

Agreed, they are all similar.

What I want is the ability to discuss any political views, but to find an individual that will stick with me and not allow emotions to disrupt the discourse, that would be a rare and wonderful day!

Thanks for reading and commenting

This is most definitely a psyop. If, there we sixty million radical racists in America, I could see people being concerned. But, real racist wouldn't help each other in times of crisis. Every time bad things happen, you see the real America. I say ignore them, and treat everyone you meet with respect and kindness. Also, parents need to watch their language at home. Racism is taught. Young kids play with every other kid they come into contact with. They don't see color. Racism seems to be strongest in stupid individuals. We should condemn it any time we see it. We are Americans, plain and simple. Great country!

Great comments. A lot of the recent tensions seem to be ginned up by the MSM, who are trying to start a revolution. Houston provided great visuals and videos on what American really stands for.

Also a great video of the CNN reporter with microphone in face of someone DURING the unfolding crisis - "DO you want to blame this on Trump?"

That "gave it away" in terms of CNN thought process on Trump, for anyone who had not realized prior.

It is one image of revolution...but violence never solves a problem, it only brushes a problem under the rug, in a hope that the problem will be forgotten. The victor of violence will do their best for reassure that any problem exists. Their is no excuse for violence it is simply a way of forcing ones will on another. Violence doesn't create a solution, it forces the weaker of the parties involved to forget the problem. Violence is inexcusable.

All good points, thanks for reading and commenting


All this is used as a smoke screen. These people are only a fraction of the population but MSM makes them WAY bigger than they actually are. Do any of the people involved with these groups have jobs?? I doubt it. They are suckin on the tit of the US government. If they had jobs they must get a lot more vacation time than I do a year.
Oh wait I forgot… they are getting paid to do this by George soros.
This sort of thing is goin to be exposed and driven out. Darkness can't hide in the light.
Well written BTW. Simple and to the point 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Thanks for reading and commenting.

A lot of the left wing protesting does seem like it is "hired bodies".

Which sorta makes it less real and have a lot less integrity.

Good post, if we are united against these groups, we will win. The body will expel the pimple. Resteemed.

Thanks for reading and commenting. Let's hope that the foreign body to expel is a pimple and not a malignant cancer

Good and important content! Whale done:)

Thanks for the big upvote.

I completely agree with you @davebrewer, we must strictly condemn the factions of the group for their hatred and lawlessness to ordinary people. Especially, personally, I do not accept racial discrimination and the difference in skin color. You are on the right track, my friend, I fully support you!

Violence is violence no matter what the rational. So violence for racial discrimination is not in my opinion, especially worse or different than violence against a political system like capitalism, or violence due to XXX

Its all made to makes fight each we dont go after them!!!

Feels like that could be a reasonable explanation - although the behavior of MSM is taking them further and further out of favor with the population they are supposed to be serving

Thank you so much for providing a thoughtful and rational voice to this conversation. I wish we could bring this kind of evidence to an audience that's willing to listen on the other side. No matter what, for the information that they'd be exposed to must be processed by the individual before the group condemns it before them. So audiences have to remain small and thoughtful in order to contribute to change.

Thanks for reading and commenting.

Interesting that the mainstream media will do everything they can to make sure this factual information is not shared with the mainstream.

Which makes you question their motives for every single word that comes out of their mouths.

Excellent post @davebrewer!

Upvoted and resteemed

Thank you sir.


Interesting fact, if you look back not too long ago you will find the KKK supported the Democrat's. Democrat's go all the way back to America's civil war and they certainly were not advocating freedom.

There is no real point to this information. America has fallen for the false dichotomy they are presented with. I honestly just can't believe the party didn't have to do as the Wigs did and put a new label on it.

Democrats prefer to forget, and want voting public to forget, that they were the party that originally supported KKK.

Civics is so poorly taught in public school systems these days, that most of liberal left would not believe they are on the side of the original KKK party supporters.

An eye for an eye, they say, leaves the whole world blind. Violence is never the answer...

Good insight, I agreed

Logic for the win!

Upvoted and resteemed

Thanks for resteem. I'll always upvote logic.


Thank you


I think it'd also be good to note that the KKK is also irrelevant to modern discourse. its always a bit cringe to see the media and leftists talk about something like this constantly, when it hasn't been relevent in decades

I agree. Few recent exceptions of course, but in general KKK has been rooted out and mostly destroyed as a serious group. Very very small number of extremists still in that camp.

Almost like MSM is trying to create a strawman with KKK. Not nearly the same magnitude of issue as we have seen with Antifa or BLM, who are both much larger and more active than KKK

Got you back to 25. You are recovering.

This is a great post especially where you go into the compassions any one with the ability to read should be able to see how similar they truly are. As a parent i find myself increasingly alarmed that the media keeps pushing their narrative that they are just protest groups. I fear for the future generations if we keep allowing them to grow they do not have anyones best interest in mind except their own. Violence in any regard is bad and not only dose the media need to condemn this type of action but all people with power and influence such as actors and even people within their own ranks need to stand up for what is right. We as a people need to come together more than ever, we have no room in this world for intolerance of any kind...thanks for sharing. UPVOTED for sure...

Having your own self interest in mind is not a problem. Evolution gives a couple extra points to anyone who has their own self interest at least as a consideration.

Violating the law and triggering violence in the name of your own self interest is where the line has been crossed.

very true I should have been more defined in that portion of the comment, I totally agree when the law is violated in such a way that is when it becomes a issue.

These groups create violence for creating the anarchy in country and try to disturb the ordinary life of the peoples.
@davebrewer thanks for the about these groups .

I agree with everything you said, all 3 groups have a lot of similarities.

that's the irony of it as the title tell the whole story about it !!

its a sad thing.. very sad..

Yep lets speak of freedom of speech and than go kick people who speak.

You are very active on the politics and anarchy @davebrewer
Thanks share the activities if these MSM and KKK which creates anarchy

You forgot the part they both suck

are too much the interests of a country, or organization. that only the one who has power could decide

need a few more words in that sentence, to get your point across, which I did not understand with the limited number of words you chose

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Violent statism is the problem. We're outnumbered at this point. Too many groups have been activated.

What is violent statism?

Normal statism, with the added violence of masked street gangs. That's just one interest group looking to us the violence of the state to meet their goals.

Anyone who says anything bad about BLM ends up being called a racist no matter what it seems like. It's sad that certain political groups use race to smear their opponents and it's gone way too far and gone on for way too long. The media would contradict their own narrative if they were to condemn BLM just like they do the KKK.

I agree they're all despicable in their own way. It's strange they don't see that they're all basically doing the same thing and using the same tactics.

They are the only one who don't see themselves for who they are. The Democrats are going to pay in the next election for these peoples actions.

It's mind boggling how we have so much live raw footage that is easily accessible to everyone, and yet it's censored from MSM. Lots of us have seen the raw footage of the violence that's been going on for a while now. So how does MSM get it wrong? All they have to do is google it.