WHAT IF TRUMP ISNT REAL? - A lesson on mind control

in #politics7 years ago

You know what I like about dictators?

They are honest, unlike this spectacle we have in the United States that poses as a Democracy.

Think about it...

If a dictator of a country is disliked, they will eventually overthrow him, even brutally murdering him in public. He has to care about the people. He has to be real. He doesnt put on a show for 4-8 years and leave to a lifetime salary. The only way out of the job is death or prison.

But when we finally get sick of a President, we play make believe in these stupid voting rituals, and think that the next guy is going to change things.


If you ran a company, the smart thing isnt to automatically, "democratically", remove and replace your CEO every few years. That would be terrible for the company.

What if your current CEO is doing a great job?

Naturally your lowest level workers, the majority, are almost always unhappy, and will want change. They will happily vote a new guy in as CEO. Do you really give that power to the lowest level, the majority of your workforce, the most unskilled and ignorant of how the company works, the power to pick a new leader?

Of course not! They will just pick the guy they like, and if you have ever been in the higher ranks of a company, you know that it is usually the guys who are least liked that get the job done.

Do you see where I am going with this?

American Presidential elections are nothing but a reality show, made to direct the passions and frustrations of the people. The president is there for nothing other than to draw flack.

American Presidential elections are for the based majority of this country, TV watcher and low IQ people, to keep them busy with trivial shit, to increase their morale once they get sick of the "dictatorship" they cant see posing as democracy.

Im not glamorizing dictatorship, but at least with a dictator, we can hold someone accountable, and because of that, he is more compelled to do the right thing for his people, and not merely pose, posture and say what we want to hear for 4 years. If he doesnt, people within the ranks will eventually have him removed, and he wont receive a lifetime salary after the job, with undeserved fame and notoriety.

Seriously, how can a thinking person believe that presidential elections are real?

Do you really think the true government doesnt have a plan that has been in action for decades, and that they will just allow people who spend their time watching hours of TV per day, eating shit food, drinking shit water, obsessing over celebrity and nonsense to just pick a new leader to do as they now wish? And for just 4-8 years, and then fuck it, lets get a whole new guy with a new plan after that?


Every 4 years we are distracted by a reality show we think is real, taking all of our aggression out on the puppets and one another, instead of keeping it focused on the true forces in power, further dividing us.

Nothing is ever going to change but the faces and rhetoric, until we actually understand that facades are not responsible. They are there just to draw our righteous energy into useless places.

Mind control is not something supernatural that is just seen in movies.
Its real, and the mainstream media has been doing it for nearly 100yrs. I can lecture for days on the various methods. I know within just a few minutes of talking to anyone, what kind of general programming they get from media, even books.

While Obama was in office, the same media which our president is at odds with, hid his crimes. Obama was a typical sheep herding politician. He was smooth, and he was black, which helped. Shit, I was excited and happy he became president as well, but he was just another silver tongued snake. I didnt stop being critical of him merely because I liked the facade. This guy took more of our liberties away on the sly and dropped more bombs on people than any other before him. But he was hip, and mainstream media, including SNL and all of the late night shows sucked his dick. They lubed him up really nice so the American people didnt even feel him fucking them.

Are you familiar with the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948?

It explicitly forbids information and psychological operations aimed at influencing U.S. public opinion. In other words, it says that the government does not have the right to use known mind control techniques on its people.

After 60 years of this protection, it was Obama who killed it in 2012! Maybe you can now understand the craziness of mainstream media propaganda in the last few years and the resulting mass mania with politics. If a motherfucker takes the effort to overturn that shit, do you not think they intend to use it themselves?

Media is just a tool, but mainstream media is a conglomerate whos interests are in mind control. Their purpose is to have the lower IQ half of America, the triggered and non-thinking masses, the uneducated, the impulsive, moving in favor of the status quo, the way things have always been. The last president that preached "change" didnt change shit. Everyone complains about Trump, not understanding that he didnt come out of nowhere. It took 8 years of Obama to earn a Trump!

The same media conglomerates that have been feeding us all of the images we need to become overweight, unhealthy, moronic consumers, the most violent and entranced nation in the world, where celebrities sell us politicians, is the very media we should be wary of.

Since Trump decided to run for office, I have seen so many blatant lies from mainstream media. It just sickening that so many people choose to believe them still., merely because they are blinded by their hatred of the Trump facade. Im beginning to see these people as subhuman, because ignorance is one thing, but in the age of information, there is no excuse for not having a balanced perspective, especially since all views from mainstream media dont even try to hide their left leaning bias.

I mean the country was pretty closely split. Even when I have conversations with people today, the support for Trump is still about 50/50, but if you watch mainstream media, Hollywood and celebrities, why dos it seem that virtually all of them have the same opinions?

Can you believe that people are still buying this shit?

Because of my studies and illuminations, I dont believe that Trump is in control. I dont believe Obama was, and neither Bush. But I am thankful for the Trump program, because it has exposed the hypnotist media, and woken many people up from their mind control.

However, I find it tragic that so many people are still spewing the nonsense they hear, because they are still under the spell of mainstream media. These are mostly low IQ people who tend to watch more than the average amount of TV, I guarantee it. I have a lot of examples on social media in which I get a good idea of this. Almost every Trump hater I see on social media is an avid poster of celebrity, sports and TV shows.

TV or passive screen media is not good for the brain. It is textbook hypnotic, and lowers forebrain/critical thinking strength over time. It literally changes the brain chemistry, making a new breed of emotionally strong and critically weak humans.

This is why many of these buffoons give credence to what actors and football players think. They get their news and opinions from late shows and Hollywood propaganda. They cant tell you what Noam Chomsky, Jordan Peterson or Chris Hedges has to say.

Because fuck renowned thinkers and orators of our current political climate. What are brain damaged football players, celebrities, and mainstream media news, which, is designed for consumption by lowest common denominator intelligence saying, right?

I dont give a moment of emotion to mainstream media news or politics. I dont just react, because my forebrain isnt damaged from all of the TV and mindless screen entertainments. My critical faculties are on fire. I am not blinded by hatred for a Trump facade so much that I will not put all news under a microscope.

Why do the mainstream media, Hollywood and celebrities go so hard against Trump? He hasnt hurt anyone? They are doing what they have always done, selling you what they need in order to move you in their direction, the same old direction. You want change? Well open your eyes and see through the facades.

Its like everyone was forced a red pill and half are begging to have the blue pill now. Its sick and tragic.


With love,


If this looks familiar, it is because it actually is. However, I did add some new content to it. And the reason I was compelled to share it today was because of his recent comment about America maybe having a lifetime President one day.

We have one political party in the USA with 2 branches. Corporate America is the puppeteer