The People inside the Government are throwing out the Baby with the Bathwater

in #politics5 years ago

Funny, everything that AG Barr says about Opioids is also applicable to the man-made Drug Alcohol. Alcohol, that kills 80,000 people a year but is freely advertised and celebrated by its manufacturers. Alcohol is the only drug that can kill from withdrawal. Tears families apart, destroys careers and has ruined the lives of many Wife and child, permanently, leaving both external and internal scars, damages, and injuries. Alcohol has no medical use internally.

Opioids, on the other hand, helps many patients that suffer from Chronic Pain. That feel, that the People inside the Government are throwing out the Baby with the Bathwater when it comes to Opioids their use and their abuse. And like many that are Disabled and suffer from Chronic Pain, we are being hit the hardest by the heavy-handed tactics of the People inside the DEA and the Government, going after the lowest hanging fruit, the Pain Clinics.

Fentanyl is used to lace Heroin and is the Number One cause of overdoses. Fentanyl, that is cheaply made and of no coincidence, coming from China. That, IMHO, is using Fentanyl as a weapon against America.

Where is the outrage against Alcohol? Where is the Yellow journalism against Alcohol, that was used to demonize Hemp since Alcohol Prohibition ended in the 1930s, its racist's replacement, that is still being utilized against Cannabis and Hemp legalization? Hemp is a benign plant and source for food, fuel, and industry with over 25,000 patents.

It is no coincidence that Cannabis is called Devils Weed. Cannabis has never killed anyone, not even a child.

Cannabis also has many proven medical uses, the DHS has a medical patent on it and if it was removed from schedule 1, reserved for drugs that have no medical use... It could be then more easily well studied, as it anecdotally at least, has proven to be a potential Cure for Cancer. Many have also proven, to themselves at least, that it works for Chronic Pain, Depression, Inflammation, Anxiety, etc.

We the People inside the Government are being Paid to Serve those of us Outside of the Government, not to treat us as Serfs, Slaves, Peasants, Cattle or Cannon Fodder for "Governments" Endless Wars for Profit or Experiments. Like the Nazis did to the Jews, to the Disabled, and Minorities nor to treat everyone that does not agree with their ideology and religious belief system as the Enemy. IE, the Crusades, the Inquisition, the Witch Hunts, and the Slaughter of Native Tribes on the 7 Continents, for not speaking Latin, English or Greek.

The Judgment of the Curse of Heresy and Anathema, for not knowing the name Jesus and bowing to its Image, the Name of a Man given to a Graven Image, the Mark of the Beast. Grace Only for the worst of Sinners that treat their Neighbors and members of their own family as if they were Satan, the Greatest of their Enemies. The Cup full to overflowing with Fear and Hatred...has no room for Love found in the 4 letter word Good.

Bear in mind that Hitler declared Germany a Christian Nation before the beginning of WW2.

What is the will of your God is also part and part of his Nature and that of his Spirit. What Name does the Messiah give to his God found in the Lord's Prayer to his Lord? The Prince of Peace and his King of Kings...