Told daily for the past 3 and a half years that they have proof that the POTUS is guilty of Treason

in #politics5 years ago

This is more rock-solid evidence of the Coup against Our President of the Republic of America, "E Pluribus Unum". By the partisan leadership of the FBI under Comey with the help of Brennan, the former Dir of the CIA, and the overt collusion by the owners and talking heads of the MSM Liberal Monopoly of the United States of America.

The 6 Corporations whose members coincidentally belong to CFR, the Council on Foreign Relations, a Media Think Tank and part of a larger network of the Resist Movement seeking to overthrow the President, IMHO. Six media Corporatocracies that own and control 90% of the News and Information that We the People are being fed, poisoned and deceived with, on a daily basis.

Told daily for the past 3 and a half years that they have proof that the POTUS is guilty of Treason, a Traitor him and his family as well as all of the GOP, that deserves to be hanged.

"Thou Shall Not Bear False Witness", or "Grace Only by believing in a belief and a name gave to an Image, only" for Catholics and Protestants...only? Thou Hypocrites. The Shedding of Blood is proof all your sins against God's Children, that break the law, are forgiven? What is the goodwill of a Good God ie, a Good Father? His children, his created to be like him, sinful or sinless, the Cup half full or less?

God, Our Father, in the name of his Son, said he will not be mocked, for you will always reap what you have sown, the Law of Karma. For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction. What you reap depends on what seed you have sown, good, bad, or evil; in the Garden of Life among the Living. What good example do you follow, the Chief of Sinners or the Best Man at the Feast?

Criminals go to Prison, not Law-abiding Citizen but what does your religion preach about Love Obedience and Mercy about keeping the Commandments by writing them on your hearts? That only God is Good and the Nature of Man is Evil? Whose Image are you created in the Good God and Father of the Christ, like father like son or Devils, the Offspring of Satan, unable to do good? "As you and your children believe so shall they do as will the next Generation" Better not to believe than to swallow the lie and be deceived. Santa Claus or God knows what you do in the darkness? Who comes as a thief in the Night?

Who knows your needs before you speak them and what then dost thou accomplish by your much speaking, when it is better to be righteous.

Any wonder that the Country is divided against itself? We the People are being treated like Cattle, brute beasts easily lead by the nose and their emotions of fear and hatred. Either in a stampede against any enemy or over the cliff to their deserved fate. The Nation of Deplorables so stupid and ignorant, that they need those in the Government, the Ruling Class, to tell them the Proper Way on how to tie their own shoelaces.

"Tell the Biggest of Lies and repeat them daily then the People will believe them." -Gen. Goebbels, head of Nazi Propaganda. "Always accuse the other side of everything you are guilty of doing." -Saul Alinsky's, Rule Book for Radicals.
