Buy a tesla, own a LIB

in #politics10 days ago (edited)


There are some people out there who get upset, even offended, when I bring up the fact that the two major political parties of America have switched their stances a bunch of times over the years.

From slavery to unions to workers’ rights, at some point one of them took a stand against the other that totally went against what they’d said before.

It goes to show that political positions aren’t really about ideology most of the time—just tribal lines. Bets in the market of opinions.

Tell me what to think

A study not long ago shed light on this phenomenon. They gave a group of people with different political leanings a list of policies and ideas. Turns out, whether they supported them or not depended on who was pitching the idea—not the idea itself. "Tell me what to think" isn’t an exaggeration.

These days, the influencers of our time are handing us a new script to follow, new ways to think, and new ideas to get behind.

That said, the one that really blows my mind is the right embracing electric vehicles. The same influencers who used to call them a joke—or something only a "gay lib" would drive—are now telling all their followers to ditch their gas engines for Teslas.

It's official my friends. Throw away the Bingo card.



So weird. The Left also flipped from "Big Pharma is corrupt" to "Big Pharma is our savior" (and vice-versa on the right to an extent) in 2020.

I remember Democrats putting pictures of Fauci in their front lawns... If I face palmed any harder I would give myself brain damage.


Politics break brains. Most of my energy gets focused at local level where I can actually have some impact.

People are conditioned to be reflexively argumentative rather than persuasive or explanatory.

Posted using Political Hive


If a load of MAGAs sell their huge pickups to buy Teslas then I'll laugh. The whole thing of them 'running on coal' seems outdated if you check the fuel mix as it seems to be a minority source. Wind, solar, hydro and nuclear are bigger and those are all potentially lower carbon. Yes, building dams and other infrastructure is energy intensive, but it may pay off the carbon dept eventually. The UK has zero coal generation now and you can see the mix. I know some are not interested in facts and there seem to be efforts to suppress them.

If you live your life to 'own' some other group then that seems a route to unhappiness. Who wants to be seething all the time?

I saw that Ms Musk was crying that attacks on Tesla are not justified, but he is the one who decided to get political and changed sides. People don't want to be associated with his nastiness.

Musk had Trump do a whole car sales commercial for him. This literally happened, right before Trump received another donation of 100 million. So we know Trump did it because he cares.

He also said in the video, you should look it up.

"I love Teslur"


This is so true Meno. People don’t follow ideas, they follow teams. It’s like sports, but with more yelling lol. The speed at which opinions change when the right person says it is funny. Politics is just influencer marketing with I'll say extra drama

I'm team peanut butter, you are team jelly.

hahahaha team jelly 🤣🤣🤣 nice one Meno

"Tell me what to think"

Painfully true. People listen to the State of the Union, but wait for commentators to tell them its significance. We're so used to commentators translating/interpreting news, that we might as well just skip the news and wait until we're told what to think about it.

Feed me well chewed up cud please.