Voided Pardons

in #politics12 days ago

Most of us expected something like this to happen, but there's an interesting detail here I never expected.

void the pardons.jpeg

As far as I know, voided pardons are not a thing. Meaning a president can pardon anyone before he leaves office (I don't necessarily support these king like powers, but) and the next administration can do absolutely nothing about it.

But since some of the pardons were questionable, to put it nicely, I thought we would see "new charges" being drawn up to go after some of the people on the special lists. (Fauci comes to mind, for example)

At any rate, I never expected to learn that Biden's mind was so far gone, that he had stopped signing papers altogether. In other words, they pulled a Reagan on us once again.

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These are some crazy times. We will see what happens next. But honestly, it all could be theater too.



Meno, politics is a Hollywood joke now. One minute, people are untouchable, and the next, their get out of jail free cards are getting questioned. Can't believe this is our reality today lol

Presidential pardons are always beyond ridiculous, mostly a way to give favors, to reward people who supported you, to try to set things up for your successor, etc. Regardless, it is a very dangerous precedent to invalidate previous presidential pardons. We really don't want to go down that road.

Because an auto-pen was used and Biden's mental competence is in doubt then any prosecution should be able to raise enough question in the Court's mind as to whether Biden did indeed authorise this auto-pen use that the defence would need to aduce evidence that it WAS authorised. This would likely need Biden to take the stand and his further mental deterioration would likely prevent this or make it damming for the defence.

this guy said what I was thinking so perfectly, i'll just share a screenshot with you.

WhatsApp Image 2025-03-17 at 11.05.56_685bcc81.jpg

As far as I know, voided pardons are not a thing. Meaning a president can pardon anyone before he leaves office

Yeah bit they weren't real pardons.
The crimes were not even stated and the timelines on some of them spanned decades.
They were blanket get out of jail free cards.
Pretty wild honestly.
Clearly not what pardons are for.

They seemed more like payouts...

Hey.. here, get out of jail free card. Paid in full. we good.

When there was a PR blitz for a week, where several figures were saying "If you see Biden behind closed doors he's as sharp as a tack!"; I interpreted that as confirmation Biden was experiencing cognitive decline.

He conceded to what was essentially a coup, allowing Kamala Harris to take his place in the General Election, likely because he just didn't have the stamina or the fortitude to mount any sort of coherent campaign.

What I saw on the ground during early voting was that this move actually suppressed Democrat turnout. Compared to previous early voting periods in my county the Democrats were missing a substantial portion of their early voters. The mid election swap destroyed their enthusiasm.

Without going through a Primary process, Harris never had the opportunity to build her on organic base. It's also unclear that she would have won the Primary in any event. Harris essentially was the designated loser against Trump.

I don't feel bad for Harris, not even a little bit. Everything that is happening is self inflicted.

Biden turned out to be incredibly selfish too.

One thing I truly didn't understand with regards to pardon's was this idea of a pre-emptive pardon. But apparently after a bit of reading it was a case of Burdick vs US back in 1915 that this was first used/tested in the courts. Seems just way to much power for a president.

I think presidential pardons should go away... I really do