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RE: Controversial Conversations with Friends

in #politicslast year

I do almost everything holistic when it comes to medicine and have done so since the kids were very little, so it just isn't something I would do. Basically as simple as that.

This, to me, is the crux of the matter - medical freedom. The freedom to make this lifestyle choice. I am the same. When covid came round, I was unafraid because I was certain I would be among those who would not be terribly harmed by it. Boy was I ever reviled for not being afraid! For being confident in my ability to heal myself! That so many do not have this confidence saddens me.

I believe I had covid three times, although I did no testing, because I decided right off the bat that all the measures went against my beliefs, and would necessitate my disabling some of my core values. The episodes were decreasing in intensity, the first the worst. Was it awful? A tad bit worse than a bad flu, lasting two days longer than the flu, seven days instead of the usual five. I was afraid I would be coughing my brains out afterwards, which usually happens with the flu, but no. It all started with a tiny cough, and I did get very sick for a few days, but I had no lasting problems after seven days of flu-like illness.

I guess I would be in the anti-pharmaceuticals fanatic group. I avoid all western meds if I can, but of course there are some that are necessary in acute cases. In general, I take nothing, and have refused to take several that were prescribed. I take the pain killers though! Screw that.

For covid, I took absolutely nothing. I had hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, but I always thought "Lemme see what happens if I do nothing." The third time was a very brief illness, at most 36 hours, just like your daughter. A high fever (103) for a couple hours that forced me into bed,and that pretty much was that. I drank water, ate nothing, took no pharmaceuticals of any kind, not even tylenol, and slept a lot.

When the shedding fears started going around, I was afraid. But I thought "I will not be afraid of my fellow humans for any reason" and here I am today, alive and healthy, even though I am in a supposedly high risk group.

I lost a lot of friends because of this deliberately contrived divide. I distanced myself whenever someone made a hostile comment to me. Thankfully, I am no longer excluded from places or events, and those folks who shunned me just a year ago are friendly again. Maybe the next time the POTUS refers to me as a "domestic terrorist," those who shunned me that last time will have a good laugh instead.

I hope we get a civil discourse going on here because it is very much needed. For both "sides" to accept and to honor the other side's views. That is freedom.

Thanks for giving us this space to discuss this in.


We're very similar when it comes to this :)

I didn't really deal with anyone in my actual life who gave me a hard time, as many already knew where I stood in terms of pharma. Though of course there were plenty of strangers with opinions everywhere I turned online. I have to say I'm glad that for the most part I avoided social media that first year and a half. I posted some questions on Facebook in the early months, but everyone was so freaked out or angry that I soon realized it wasn't going to be productive to continue.

It surprises me that there's anyone left who trusts government or so-called news at this point. Because I'm politically homeless, the algorithm hasn't quite got me figured out so my "news" feeds are all over the place. And the headlines lately...for example one on CNN yesterday said Study shows that there's an increase in strokes for 65 and older possibly linked to covalent vaccines. If someone bothers to open the article it goes on to say that other studies don't show this. It's just blatant click bait sensationalism on top of downplaying it all. The same as they've been doing with people dying suddenly of heart attacks, particularly athletes. I listened to a podcast of Joe Rogan and Bret Weinstein that shed a bit of light on it. One of the issues is that on top of everything else it seems that depending on who people got the vaccine from, some were given improper injections. They're supposed to deliver it into the muscle, but it seems that people had it injected directly into their bloodstream in some cases. What else can you expect when they have pop up clinics in fastfood restaurants and mall parking lots.

I have a lot more to say, but my mind is a bit fragmented. Last night we got a call that a friend of ours OD'd. He was only 36, a really sweet guy who had a very difficult upbringing. Last time I saw him about six months ago he looked great, so this was a shock.:0( I'll continue this comment tomorrow when I'm more focused.

I'm so sorry! I'm at a funeral of a friend who succumbed to aggressive cancer. Six weeks from diagnosis to death. I have another friend who is going through the same thing. Injection injury? My brother seems to have beat lung cancer that was diagnosed a little over a year ago. I don't ask injection status but, knowing these folks, I'm pretty sure they all got all the jabs they could.

It's just blatant click bait sensationalism on top of downplaying it all.

Yes. Every MSM story that hints at vaccine injuries does this. It draws the skeptics in, rounds them up, and spits them back out believers, or tries to. Lots of us are onto these tactics.

When the whole shebang went down, and it took a mere two weeks for most of us to accept voluntary home imprisonment, I was shocked. I refused to do any of it and found other refuseniks to hang out with. But when nearly everyone, even some of the refuseniks, lined up to get an experimental treatment, that had not been tested at all, was being warp speed developed so it could be rushed to market, was being shipped willy nilly all over the world, and just about anyone was enlisted (our front line soldiers) to get that shit in arms, I was doubly shocked. What could go wrong? A lot could go wrong, and is going wrong. Blind faith!

Many of my real life friends turned on me online. I got off any social media which my real life friends used. They are not as hostile face to face. But boy was ever afraid I'd come out to slashed tires when I was still battling this nonsense online, especially Facebook. So glad I got off! I feel safer having done so.