Some thoughts on Robert Mueller, Sun Tzu & Chelsea Handler.
Let's get Chelsea Handler out of the way first.
Peak Trump Derangement Syndrome. It's all over the MSM. They're certain Mueller is closing in on Trump.
So let's consider how they see Mueller. Pillar of the establishment ☑️ Squeaky clean ☑️ Obama & Clinton ☑️ etc etc.
They sanctify Mueller, in the same way they venerate Obama & Clinton. America's white knight.
Hold that thought. Let's turn to Sun Tzu, specifically his system for espionage, or 'the divine manipulation of the threads'.
Sun Tzu said 'all warfare is based on deception'.
'If you know both yourself and your enemy, you can win a hundred battles without jeopardy.'
And this, important when understanding Trump: 'The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.'
Sun Tzu observed that the use of spies was critical for victory. There were 5 classes : local spies, inward spies, converted spies, doomed spies, and surviving spies.
Used in combination Tzu termed 'the divine manipulation of the threads', the 'sovereign's most precious faculty'.
Inward/inside spies involves 'making use of officials of the enemy'.
Donald J Trump is one of Sun Tzu's most successful students. Perhaps his greatest ever.
Trump's been planning the Presidency for over thirty years. Three decades. Let that sink in.
He has had access to the highest levels of power in the USA, both Democrat and GOP, the entire time.
Dinner parties, weddings, private meetings. With the Clintons. The Bushes. All their lackeys.
Imagine what he learned. Oh, they would have gossiped with Trump. After all, he was the buffoon entertainer, the low-IQ tycoon.
Trump was no threat to them. So the secrets would have spilled & flowed while Trump kept their champagne flutes full.
And Trump, teetotal, would have instructed his investigators to dig. And dig deep.
Back to Robert Mueller. Remember what I said about how the liberals & MSM sanctify him?
They see only what they want to see. See
But we know that no one in Washington DC has clean hands. NOBODY. Including Robert Mueller, friend of Hillary and Bill Clinton, Jim Comey, loyalist to Obama, colleague of Clapper & Brennan.
Mueller was FBI Director between 2001-2013, through the Bush and Obama years, before his buddy Comey took over.
Here's a list of scandals Mueller has been involved in.
Ask yourself - if we know this about Mueller, what dirt would Trump have? And how much has he gathered since his inauguration?
The most important date in the Special Counsel investigation wasn't 17 May, the date Mueller was appointed. It was the day before.
16 May - Trump and Mueller had a private meeting.
No one knows what was discussed, who else may have been present, or why the meeting was arranged in the first place.
Here's what I think: At the meeting, Robert Mueller was given a vision of two futures. One where his reputation as an apolitical American & patriot is enhanced, with Trump lauding him as a hero. Medal of Honor.
And one where Robert Mueller's reputation is destroyed, his family name cursed and shamed for generations. Which choice do you think Mueller made?
Leftists and mainstream media fools view Mueller as an incorruptible patriot, who will stop at nothing to bring down America's enemies. They'd better be careful what they wish for. They may well just get it.
All the world's a stage! Mueller just wanted to make some money, and he's in there prolonging the fake investigation to create a division in America for as long as possible.
A former Naval Commander accused Robert Mueller of treason: but I bet the judge will throw it out, if it ever makes it inside a court room.
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.