Many whistleblowers expose wrongdoing, fraud and corruption that could effect our collective security and wellbeing. The case of Tony Schwartz is no different, however, in his case he is admitting to having committed a form of fraud, but his admittance is done in an attempt to protect us from an even greater 'trickster' - the current 'President of the United States of America'.
For those who have studied the history of America's presidents in at least the last 70 years, it is apparent that many of them are either hugely corrupt or hugely corrupted once in office by what Carroll Quigley, Ivy League Historian called 'The Network'. In the case of Donald Trump, his own main Biographer wishes to come clean about how he mislead the world by creating a total work of fiction in the form of a famous biography of Trump which the world took to be an accurate image of a great business man, but was in truth a lie. While many Trump supporters may wish to 'brush this under the carpet' - the fact remains that Tony Schwartz's apology and testimony raise serious questions about the man who now has at least some degree of sway over the directing of one of this world's largest ever military forces.
Note: Donald Trump had a second 'unofficial' biographer who also came forward during the time of his election campaign to make clear that he too agrees with Tony Schwartz's assessment of Donald Trump's character and behavior in private.
Tony Schwartz's Background
Tony had a long career as a journalist, beginning in 1975 - during which he worked for the New York Post, was Associate Editor at Newsweek, was a reporter for The New York Times and writer for New York Magazine and Esquire.
In 1985 he began interviewing the, then, mostly unknown property developer 'Donald Trump' and almost by chance he was given the job of writing the famous, bestselling biography of Trump 'The Art of the Deal'. Tony states that Donald Trump had no part in writing the book and that Trump simply edited out a few sections relating to business connections he didn't want mentioned.
Whistleblowing Testimony
Tony have several public presentations during Donald Trump's election campaign to attempt to come clean about his part in the creation of a public image of Trump that is entirely false and misleading.
Tony States on Trump:
He has a long history of mistreating tenants in his owned properties - including using dirty tricks to attempt to force tenants to leave his apartments when he wanted them out, but had no legal justification for ejecting them.
"He has a stunningly short attention span" and is unable to focus on a topic for more than five minutes.
While visiting Trump's Florida home - "He had almost no interest in his wife, Ivana, or his children".
After listening in on Trump's phone calls for 18 months in order to get insight and material for writing the book - Tony became aware that Trump had 'an utter disregard for the truth and absolutely no conscience about that', 'he is guided entirely by his immediate self interest' and had 'no ability at all to accept that he is ever wrong about anything'. 'To this day, lying is second nature to him and just one more way to gain advantage'.
Trump is 'cynical and one dimensional'.
Trump had no 'deep convictions or guiding core values - which helps explain why he could shift positions so effortlessly and unashamedly from one day to the next' - he was simply out for money and praise of himself.
His main passion was proving to others that he was a success and then broadcasting that 'fact' to everyone that he could.
Trump's only noticeable emotion was anger, which he would often use in a fake way to manipulate others.
His ideology amounted to "Whatever! So long as I win and people notice".
Video Testimony at the Oxford University Union
Tony speaks at the Oxford Union:
Tony is interviewed by a Swiss University:
Tony is Interviewed on MSNBC:
Got Comments?
What do you think of this testimony? Do you have any relevant evidence to add? Let us know in the comments below. Thanks.
Wishing you well,
Ura Soul
Posts in this Series
The Whistleblowers (Series): #20 - Donald Trump's Biographer Comes Clean On Lying About Trump's Character For Money: "Trump Is A Habitual Liar, Has A Memory Of A Goldfish & Is Only Interested In His Own Image, In 'Winning' & Self Aggrandizement".
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He's saying a secret that everybody knows.
It's one thing to perceive something from a distance, but another for someone who knew trump for at least 18 months up close and monitored his phone calls to also say it!
Very well written. I wrote about this a year ago during tbe campaign. Trump is an absolute lunitic, just look at his family structure growing up. Any one who took intro to psychology or socialogy
I feel he is, as Tony pointed to, reflecting the collective shadow - but more than that he is tapping in deliberately to the brainwashing that Americans have gone through - in this case it is the 'win, win, win' strategy to replace the vacant 'hope' strategy of obama.
Maybe I will run for president on a 'Bonus' Strategy - everyone loves a bonus!
Well yes, this isn't Trump though, during the primary he was a mirror of Bernie Sanders, just on the Republican ticket. He barely spoke about policy and showed a very big gap in political intellegence when it came to the law. Once he did lay down groundwork for policy, you can see exactly where they derive, Robert Mercer and Kock network for most of the establishment republican policy, Bannon, Miller, etc are the more classic conservative epitone. Sadly, you are right, people understand the program now, and wanted something different. Sadly though, Trump is the polar opposite of what this country needs. We now have a legitimate psychotic person as president, who is also to ignorant to learn anything he doesnt know. As we all know, imagine the truths you can find out as president, Trump most likely doesnt care.
This confirms what the world thinks, but it seems hi supporters don't care that much. He's an 'alternative' to a system they don't trust, even if he may be a danger to us all.
he isn't really an alternative at all, it's just that it appears that the mind control used on the mass population has them trapped in a tiny mental box whereby they have judged and ridiculed everything that is different - only leaving a narrow projection of an image of 'success'.. so the only thing that they are allowed now to support is the image that trump has carefully crafted for himself.
If all you have left to support is narcissistic psychopathy, then the problem is much, much deeper than any one man who reflects that dysfunction! :/
The two-party system has failed us. In 2016 we had the choice of the Deep State candidate or the authoritarian early-stage-dementia candidate.
Having to choose the lesser of two weevils is no way to run a country
If you haven't already, I suggest checking out my post about how the modern 'democratic' systems have been entirely designed all along to be nothing more than a facade to allow distraction away from the real agenda that never changes because the whole thing is controlled.
I hope his supporters are tired of winning 😀 😃 😄 😁 😆 😅 😂
amazing! just tapping in to the school programming - go coach for team america! lol and not lol
So many sore liberals. I love it.
This post received a 3.7% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @ura-soul! For more information, click here!
Very sad that THIS is the best the United States could come up with. Why is it that our only two options were Hillary and Trump?
Unless this is "planned chaos", I don't know what this is.
I suggest listening to some of the other speakers in this series of posts for insight into why the system is as it is. In particular, this history lesson is highly insightful.
Checked it out. And it's funny how for years people in the media mock conspiracy theories...and when it's revealed to be true...they are mute or they divert your attention elsewhere. There's an overwhelming amount of activities happening in the shadows that most people don't know. But even if they found out...they wouldn't believe because it upsets their entire world view.
That's why I focus on building this strong series of sources, since the ultimate result should be that if everyone is aware of them then we can more easily identify those among us who are choosing denial instead of reality and they will then be naturally pushed to the back.
Keep at it man! I think I may do some posts like this too in the future. It's just sooooo much to cover...already feel overwhelmed, haha!
Yes, it is a vast topic - I am just sticking to the supporting structures of the system presently - a bit like so many detonation charges used in the WTC towers events :/
Where's the chaos? So he has cabinet position turnover - I don't care. Peaceful at home and the stock market and bitcoin are at all-time highs. Things could be a lot worse. I don't watch the news and hardly read much of the news -- I can't change it anyway. Much worry and angst over nothing. The governments will continue to overspend and overtax in spite of all voting.
It's a bit much to just blurt out...but...Hegel's Dialectics. Start with learning the fundamentals of how this works.
I appreciate the learned academic link - I'm familiar, thank you, non-sequitur. This is not a formal debate but some casual thoughts.
This post has received a 16.22 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @ura-soul.
Great Post Thanks for sharing Mr.ura-soul.
Definitely worth an upvote and a resteem :)
Thanks for your support :)
Confessor ≠ whistleblower. This is one man's assessment of Trump's character, a man admitting to lying about Trump previously. Zero supporting evidence. Weak sauce.
If he lied about trump previously and trump went along with it, then ergo that proves some of what he is saying. other parts of what he is saying are totally obvious just from observing trump. trump's other biographer tells a similar story.
LOL! His entire body language screams bullshit. Actions speak louder than words.
His actions were that he wrote books after the one with trump that attempted to show how to correct the problems he experienced in the psyche of trump.
So, it turns out Trump is a politician after all. All of the misgivings mentioned could describe any of our political leaders.
Personally I question Tony's character and motives, it really annoys me when someone comes out 20 or 30 years after an event and claim they know the whole truth about it, but didn't have the conviction to express the truth at the time. The book was published in Nov. of 1987 for crying out
loud. Did he just find Jesus??
It's clear to me that he didn't want to ruin his career by exposing the situation, but when trump got close to being president he felt compelled to do something to try to change the dynamics of the situation since it was partially due to his writing that trump became so famous. in essence he appears to be acting out of fear for the future.
very well written ty
I'll admit here, i voted for trump. trump is flawed, so what? plenty of checks to see he doesn't do anything crazy, politics are driving most of these complaints about trump, in my view. i'm a republican and originally supported jeb bush, whether you like it or not the system worked on the republican side bush lost, trump won. you have to consider hillary as the alternative and how turned off democrats were who supported bernie sanders who in all liklihood had the democrat establishment steal the nomination from bernie. i regarded this election as one between the establishment(hillary clinton/media) and an outsider(trump) with the usual politics driving voters. the hysterics about trump have proved wrong and this is giving a lot of people pause to consider how he is doing as president. the establishment/media(by the way this includes the author, schwartz) will always be against trump.
for 'politics to be driving the complaints about trump' you would have to be calling tony schwartz a compulsive liar and thus since he wrote the book about trump that formed his public image, you would be forced to call that book into question, no?
I suggest learning about Carroll Quigley's work to uncover how the entire design of your 'democracy' has always been deliberately intended to be a false facade that results in the underlying agendas never changing, regardless of who 'wins':
Trump is by no means perfect but, if you think Hillary would of been different you are very much mistaken. She is rotten to the core and if faced with a choice between 'a habitual liar' and someone very uniquely corrupt then it's not really a great choice for the American people. A good article though and an interesting insight to the psychology of Trump. Whether you like Trump or not no one can excuse the actions of the media recently who just will not report on all the facts, just the facts they want you hear to forwards their biased agenda.
Thanks for your comment. If you look through the list of earlier posts in this series, you will see a couple in there exposing the Clintons for their CIA backed cocaine smuggling during the iran-contra period. The point here is not to say that Clinton would have been better- the point is really to say that none of them are good enough and that in itself is by design and fully intended. I suggest listening to the video in the post I linked above, in which an ivy league historian exposed the fraud of representational democracy.