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RE: Power Down Time

in #powerdown3 years ago (edited)

5% powerup tax.
10% instant unstake tax.
10% tax on all rewards claimed (including tax rewards)

I really cant believe everyone is throwing out decentralization in order to add in more scammy game theory mechanics that put forward greed over Proof of Brain.

I don't want the oligarchy that is whales and dolphins in more scelhemes to profit

Rewards for curating were doubled from 25 percent to 50
This encourages people to buy stake and upvote blindly for easy money while adding nothing to the platform. Your I'll advise suggestion is putting hot fudge and a cherry on top to make it happen even more so.

Are you really that lost from reality that you cannot see these changes are only going to benefit the whales?

If you want to kill layer 1 just get it over with and make it a 90 percent tax. I'm tired of this slow bleed of bad changes. Just kill it and be done with it.

Theres no reason for adding in changes that will take away from ppl with small amounts and give to those with large amounts, because that is how it will play out. Large people taking in extra free money for nothing. Hodling is pure cancer and says NOTHING about fundamentals about the chain. This is a scheme designed to make some lose so that others gain, let's say tena of thousands lose and tens of thousands gain, you just pissed off half the users of this platform because you want to redistribute peoples money.

Why not give something to everyone? Special nfts for people who were here first year, second year, air drops of a new token for people who do things and make the token something people want because it's a good project. Theres so many things that can be done without taking from others to give to others.