My Pregnancy Journal - Week 26 ... 11 weeks to go until C-Section!

in #pregnancy7 years ago

Week 26 and the Third Trimester is showing its presence.....

My bump is getting bigger quite quickly now and its taking its toll on my body. The sickness has returned with force (I have been sick most days but the first 16 weeks and now this last week it is brutal again!)

preg 25 weeks.jpg

Originally I believe it was due to hormones but in this trimester I think its mainly where the babies are squashing my stomach along with my bowels, bladder, kidneys etc... I get little kicks in the groin, sides and under the ribs. They catch me by surprise! The pelvis and back pain is ridiculously frequent too!

Moan, moan, groan.....

I am slightly anxious at how worse these pains are going to get over the next 11 weeks, I have a lot of worries about coping with two babies too, and the birth, I hope I am not too laid up when they are born and above all I hope and pray that they are born happy and healthy.

I know that worrying will not change a thing, I just need to be as prepared as I can. I keep reminding myself of this. What will be will be....

They respond well to classical music and also when I am playing my guitar! It seems to set off a little party in my uterus!!

I am not ready for their arrival, not at all. I have not yet got my hospital bag packed up, I don't have (and can't afford at the moment) a twin buggy, steriliser, Milk expresser, newborn boys clothes, changing bag, rocker chairs, car seats and probably a million other things I have forgotten!

I have been quite productive at raising funds and saving money this time around - when I had my son 9 years ago money was not so much of an issue and everything was bought new. I bought some second-hand baby girl clothes for £30 a few weeks ago from an online market. The lady delivered 4 black sacks full of baby clothes from twin girls: Tiny baby, Newborn and 0-3 months. There is so much and so many items are new with tags on! Lots of the clothes tiny baby size are neutral too so they will suffice for both babies.

There are many items in the bundle that I wont use so I have taken out the bits I want to keep, and I am re-listing the others in smaller bundles and hope to make back what I spent, I am confident that I will....

Harriett Grace & Oscar Charles will be here very soon, time is flying now so this coming week my goal is to make all possible progress to have everything in place for their arrival.

I love them so much already, I am so excited to meet them.

I have another scan in two weeks time... Yay!

It has been snowing here in the UK and I have not ventured outside much. I did however have some fun in the snow one of the days with my son, we made a little snowman!