Made my first stockpile purchase today

in #prepping7 years ago

I wasn't expecting to begin the stockpile already, but a deal came up that I couldn't let slip away.

Being flexible

I stated earlier today, that I wanted to begin with toiletries. I then promptly bought 3 kg of porridge rice the very same day. You have to be flexible, right?!
I'm a big believer in the ability to accomplish and improve only what you focus on. I think I got this incredible deal because I'm finally turning my attention to stockpiling. I'm open to these deals now and have shown in a small way that I'm trying to be a good steward of what I have and that's why I'm being granted more.

The deal

We eat a lot of rice porridge, probably 2-3 times a month. Most Danes only ever have it in December but we eat it year round. 3 kg will make about 7-8 meals and last for about 3 months. Isn't it odd how that is exactly the amount of time we have settled on as our first goal with food storage?
Now, these porridge rice where a great deal, an incredible deal even.


Even though it's in Danish I think you can gather that I paid 5 DKK for 1 kg and the normal price is 17.95 DKK. The offer was limited to 3, otherwise, I would have gotten a lot more. All told I paid 15 DKK, less than the price of 1 kg normally and saved 38.85 DKK.

So that's it, my stockpile is now in existence! What was your very first buy for your stockpile?


Great deal, snap em up when you can :-) 3 months is a very good amount to aim for. I prefer foods that just need water to re-hydrate or to need to make it with. I'm able to make safe water no matter where it's from. I have 3 months supply of drinking water, I should really add some more initially for preparing food. I have some porridge stocked and rice and pasta.

Since my focus, for now, is on personal financial incidents I'm not concerned with water. We have so little space that we had to be ruthless on what would make the most sense for us to store. Once we get a house someday we want a way to filter water and rainwater tanks for water that could be filtered in a pinch. How do you filter your water?

Mostly I filter it through a Gravity filter, British Berkefeld. It has the traditional ceramic filters in at the minute, but I want to get the Black Berkey filters, they take out more rubbish from the water from what I've read. I have other solutions that are mobile.

That's the concept I've been considering too. Thank you for sharing.

I started prepping much the same as you. I purchased "bulk food items" as I could afford it, based on the room available for storage.
I would recommend adding dry beans next.
Rice & beans make a complete protein. Thanks for your post

It's nice to know I'm not alone. Often it seems like people who are further down the road can forget what it's like to start out. Also, people prepare for different things. I like to prepare for my most likely situation(s). Most places I seek information from stress storing water and not relying on a freezer etc. That's fine if your area is prone to natural disasters or things that would otherwise limit your access to water or electricity. I can't even remember the last time we had a power outage even for an hour.

We already use dry beans in our cooking, so it's a really good idea to stock up on those next. We have about 1 months worth now I think.

We got a couple variety boxes of military MRE packets. They're pretty high carb but we might be needing the energy if we have to work hard repairing stuff. There is a main course, 2 side dishes, and a dessert in each packet. They can be heated up by boiling the bags in water. Clean water is all over the place where we live. No stress there.

The rice porrage is a good idea. It's filling and can be versatile. You can make it sweet or savory depending on what you put in it.

That sounds good for your situation. My husband said he has had enough of MREs ;) It's a good place to start though, as you get so much in one packet.

It wouldn't be hard to get really tired of MREs if you had to eat them for long but we're hoping we'll never be in a situation to need to use them and they work well for a short time!

Amazing deal for bought a good rice in an good price the basic goods for eat.

That's a good start.

Spotting these sorts of offers in the supermarkets is always good.

Indeed. It was a member's only offer, so I'll have to look more into those. I've been a member for almost 10 years, but the offers are mostly junk. Every now and then, something good pops up though and it's completely free to be a member, you even 'earn' cash that you can spend in the store. I've bought all our expensive olive oil that way for years.