Practical homestead wound repair with herbals!

in #preppinglast year

In the last post I did there was a picture of a large butterfly stitch. A friend asked me what that would be good for, since it was so large. So here's the explanation of what I used it for....

First, a little background on what was happening. I was hit from behind, totalling my car; and separating my shoulder. They wanted to do a total shoulder replacement which I refused for specific reasons.

They did a laparoscopic repair, and I began treating the shoulder myself. First, I used a similar butterfly to close up the tendon that holds the actual joint together; since it was popping and trying to come out of joint. This system relies on a fomentation (a poltice made with a tincture) of comfrey tincture being applied to the damaged area after it's returned to original spacing! The comfrey is a healing accelerator with about a 15 to one speed advantage. Note that the fomentation must be kept moist, to function properly. So one day with comfrey is like fifteen days of regular healing! I kept it on for 4 days, and the tendon was fully healed. I believe it's always best to use GOD's medicine, because it works quickly, with very few side effects! Every time I buy a car, I buy a repair manual; with myself the repair manual is the Bible, from the original designer....

Here is what a factory butterfly stitch looks like:
I like these, because they're fast to use! I'm not endorsing any of these products directly, these are just was handy in the first aid kit that is stored under my bed for home use. I have no affiliations with any of these except as a customer!

I always use a skin protection pad:
They look like an alcohol pad, except they won't sting a wound, and they leave a protective layer over the top of the skin. This layer allows the tape a better surface to grip, while keeping the adhesive from attacking the skin itself!

This is an OTC supply for covering a fomentation:
These are also for convenience, and speed. I usually use a piece of plastic to cover the fomentation, unless it's critical or in a bad place. Then I use a clear dressing covering that is also self adhesive, but that's hard to find; and not OTC for sure.

Moving more recently, the bicep tendon tore in half entirely; and the doctor said the only way to fix it is by replacing the full shoulder. Based on past experience, supported by his admission of failure; I went to work again!

Here's that huge butterfly on my shoulder:
The long piece going left is taped to my bicep muscle, with the open part over the painful damaged area. Once secure, a friend pulled the torn tendon closed, and taped the remainder down my shoulder blade! I them applied the fomentation of comfrey to the gap area, with a plastic cover to force it to stay wet. I left it on for 24 hours to give the Alantoin compound in the comfrey time to work. Normally, I give the area under treatment a break, because the skin doesn't like Long applications of comfrey tincture. It's a trade off that you must decide for yourself. When I broke a bone in my hand last year, I left it on for four days continuously (rewetting the fomentation with a needle), and the skin was unhappy with me. Got some oil back into the area, and the soin was fine; with a break that healed in 4 days!

My bicep began working again, because of a successfully healed tendon! The one inch gap that was there at the tear, is closed, and pain free now. Surgery avoided, and I still have my original equipment shoulder, ROFLOL! To test it I spent half a day feeding a wood chipper, and the shoulder was fine. The bicep worked hard enough to make the muscle sore, but not the tendon!

I have one more to fix, so I can do the chicken dance at Octoberfest, then the shoulder will be 100% again. Doing it last, because it's small and still functional...just painful.

One cute side note, the doctor that gave up on my bicep tendon; was bragging on how tight he got the rotator cuff tendon that was the first butterfly repair!

We have to learn to be able to do serious repairs, because the medical system is breaking down as we speak. Keep on learning, and prepping!


Great information, thanks.

The more we can do, the less they can hurt us!

Keep prepping....


OH sad to know you got hit, GEt well soon.

People don't pay attention, and I think this one was texting! I stopped with traffic, but he didn't bother.

This tape with comfrey tincture has done more good than the doctor did. Function is returning, but I have one left to fix!

Thanks for reading my post!


You're welcome

Very great and helpful information. Thanks for sharing.

Glad you liked the post! I'm just hoping it helps people prepare....


Most welcome dear.

there's lots I didn't know in this one! Thanks!

For instance, I didn't know we have to keep the fomentation wet. I've just been putting the comfrey tincture on injuries, which have been very few thankfully. Nothing like yours.

Thank you so much for these informative posts!!!!

Happy to help! It's always good when people become more independent and self reliant. I try to learn something new, every day. That way, I can learn enough to be dangerous, LOL!


I'm learning Tai chi now, talk about dangerous. It's fabulous exercise, for every molecule of your body, for your brain, your organs, Your health, great exercise for your eyes, balance, strength, Gotta keep healthy in addition to learning. Bonus points if you can do both at once. Love Tai Chi!!!!

Good to hear, I've always worked on balance; buy the tai chi has a lot of benefits! I have that on video, and it is on the agenda for when I get moved. The healthy body is another part preppers miss! That's one of the reasons I'm moving towards SCUBA in the spring.

Tai chi is a decelerated martial arts kata. Once you're good at it, speed it up and you really will become dangerous. I have several katanas, and have considered learning a kata with these swords! It's only time, but you're ahead of me!


Yeah, a prepper in these parts, who was completely off grid and very fit, just died of surgery intended to ward off a heart attack. I'm told he ate nothing but canned ham. He got everything right, except for that one, very important, thing - nutrition. Now his wife is out there living on batteries and doing her business in the woods, all alone. She has lots of friends thankfully, but has been through hell this last month or more with her husband in the hospital 90 miles away, awaiting open heart surgery, then watching his organs fail one after the other after the surgery. It took more than three weeks to schedule, even though he had had a big heart attack and was told if he left the hospital, he would surely die! Didn't even pass in his beloved, well-stocked home. Strange times we live in now. Stay away from western med, it is more likely to kill you than to heal you now.

Hate to hear that, but his wife will benefit from his prepping.

Eating ham will kill you, too much contamination from garbage in the meat, and the parasites are serious!

Western medicine is strictly short term back up! My Wife died of a hospital acquired infection from an untreated kidney stone. Once the SHTF occurs, it will become significantly more dangerous to go to the hospital; due to increased infection risk!


Geniuses are about repair. To bring out the brainchild of someone else to practice is terribly hard.
Medics have hard work to handle. Theirs is just to repair what God made. Very hard work.
When the brainchild is about the omniscience God it becomes another thing all together.

Using GOD's medicine, with prayer and anointing; is always the best medicine! Modern medicine is simply a backup, and has done me zero good thus far....

Diagnosed in May, and they are l still testing without treating anything. Thank GOD, I have other options!


The fear of God you have gives such a critical thinking panache, a hallmark in dissecting complex issues, offering solutions that resonate with love for a better world in posterity. Surely this will not be for naught.I am persuaded beyond any foreseeable and unforeseeable boundaries.God keep blessing you.

He blessed us all! Our best purpose is to try to do what he wants us to do. Things are rapidly coming to a head. The Euphrates is drying up as it says in the Bible. Once dry, all hell will break loose over there; and it will spread!

Soon things will begin to get bad, but He will see us through. We need to be working at his Business when the sky splits to the East!


Thank you for your upvote.God bless you with more

I'm just glad you're back online! Keep posting....


Thanks for sharing on X!

Thanks for the repost! Glad you liked it.



No one can reach everyone who can benefit, so the reposting is a great bridge!

Hopefully, someone reads and benefits from this.