What Can You Do With Steem? First Look Into a Steem Ambassador's Entry @Mariska.lubis

in #promo-steem7 years ago

A good day everyone!

Today we bring you the first entry of our project to help promoting Steem. The idea is to have everybody post what they can do with Steem. The goal is to reach people who don't know about Steem or crypto, by seeing what people can do with crypto we might be able to reach a large audience by having these videos being shared on social media.

The iniatives that help raise awareness for Steem will be featured on our blog and will receive rewards from our fund and also part of the posting rewards. In the past days we have asked for the first people to join our project and below you will see the first initiative from @mariska.lubis, who is an @steem-ambassador. In the next weeks we will post other entries and then we will announce how everyone can participate in this challenge.

Contact @futurethinker on Discord if you want to be one of our first featured members. For more information about this iniatiative read up our initial post.

We want to thank @mariska.lubis for showing us what she can do with Steem. It is very amazing to see how much food she could buy in her native currency and how she can help someone to earn with only 5 steem! We hope many more will join this challenge and show what is possible with Steem!

For this video Mariska will receive 5 Steem from our fund and 25% of the author rewards from this post :)

Reward distribution post:
Account 35%, featured member 25%, fund 25%, graphic designer 10%, author 5%


Let's promote Steem beyond the cryptosphere and to the real world.

5 STEEM = 150,000 Rupiah, that sounds like a lot of money and I'm surprised at how many groceries you can buy with it. Thank you for sharing.

Steem can do alot for some Nigerians. 3 steem at it's current dip price can provide meal for an average Nigerian for a day.

Steem has helped many Nigerians and am a beneficiary of what steem can really do for some one.

Steem can do so much and that is what initiated @steemminna to help the poor in Northern part of Nigeria.

Inspiring video on how 5 steem means alot in the real life of Indonesian people...
Nice sharing mba @mariska.lubis

@Steemminna you have been added to our projects. We are looking forward to see great things from you @inspiredgideon1!

Thank you for the opportunity.

this is truly amazing and inspiring!!

There are a lot of things that we can do with 5 steem to help Indonesian and @mariska.lubis in that video shows us a good example.

I love this video. It is actually inspiring. Good job @mariska.lubis. I especially like the way you turned your "loot" into a good deed. Resteeming this wonderful post.

Wow @futurethinker. What a wonderful project! Very thoughtful, highly engaging and a brilliant way to showcase how STEEM can change lives.

This one in particular is truly inspiring and a huge shoutout to @mariska.lubis for creating such a comprehensive video about this. I love it and would like to make a similar video very soon. :-)

Semoga sukses selalu agenda promo steem

I support this project...😊😊

Wah lumayan juga ya untuk memulai bisnis

Keren. Ngasihnya pancingan ya.
Semoga terus bergulir dananya :)

saya yakin dengan kerja nyata steemit akan di lirik sebagai pemecah masalah pengangguran di Indonesia

Selamat berjuang untuk Teh @mariska. lubis

saya dan Tuhan mengamini niat baik dan kerja baik teteh

I support 100% this project

Keren. Di zaman sekarang yang jelas-jelas dan pasti-pasti lebih bisa membuat orang tertarik.
Saya mendukung ini semoga segala niat baik selalu diberi kelancaran untuk proses sampai berhasil

Wow! Amazing initiative! Inspiring! Thanks for sharing this video, @promo-mentor and @mariska.lubis. Let's do more and more with another 5 steems! 💪❤

Great to see uses of steem,thanks for sharing.

I support this project 👍

Sukses terus buat mba @mariska.lubis

Oh wow that is an awesome way and great job to mariska showing us what can be done.

This is great! I can do many things with 5 steems too!

such a great video! Thanks Mariska for showing us what you can do with 5 steem. That amount of money can go along way!

Kak @mariska.lubis inspiring indonesian women that I love

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this is so amazing. steem is touching a lot of lives.