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It amaze me to see people moving from hive to steem like @onealfa .
Hive has been listed to many popular exchange site like binance but it's not yet popular.
It's still just over 1year old plus 6 month and one hive has reached 1 usd this year.Thats a great achievement.


I think he is the best person to explain about it because he has been in both community since 4 years ago.
That is mind blowing. Even some crypto that are over 3 years have not reached that value. This shows how creative this hive community is.

This is a very good one and I want to say you have done so well to gather an information like this,kudos to you for coming out with a wonderful one like this

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Thanks @lordemmy
It is not easy to gather knowledge and it's not easy to read but it's very easy to have fun.
I respect everyone who have knowledge about this story of hive and steem very well.
I just made my research today and I'm not sure if my comment about this is correct

I'm moving from Hive to Steem?
What are you talking about ???

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It's an error sir @onealfa.pob
I meant from steem to hive