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RE: SHIB going Sideways again!

in #proofofbrain2 years ago (edited)

Dude as I said I will not repeat my story here, I already told my story publicly before.

Things happened, outside of cryptocurrency so that I could not keep Bitcoin over longer periods of time. I started in april 2013 and spend most of my time on cryptocurrency ever since, started writing about it in 2016 on the steem blockchain, quality posts, yet one person, you, nuked my account so now only my LasseCash posts are not hidden... its really weak of the hive whales to not reward my account and protect me in this situation and shows the weaknesses of the hive blockchain, not to mention that most of the whales I came across dont know that the earth is flat, so weak!

Anyway all this makes so much more purpose for LasseCash, you BALLHEADs stupid slaves, cant nuke me on LasseCash !!!