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RE: DELEGATION: Using delegation as a reward to pob stakers

in #proofofbrain3 years ago

This post may be useful to see the importance of staking at the moment. Some don't get that they are losing out cashing out now. I don't know what the future holds but the past has told me to hold ans stake and even buy when the price drops.

Delegating pob as a reward to the most pob stakers who staked the most pob in a day,week and month.

I think the reward for the most staking is POB Power and is already given. High stakers are already rewarded... Small stakers and new stakers are not rewarded much. @samsmith1971 gave rewards to new stakers. I thought that was heart moving.


🙏Bless you @mineopoly. We all do our bit in making this the best place to be for new and old Hivers and POBbers alike. Newcomers can catch my contest on the first weekend of each month. It runs for 7 days and is open to those who have joined the Hive in the 2 calendar months prior to the contest. There are also prizes for engagement which are open to all Hivers, old and new ;-) it's all about promoting the intrinsic values important to the continued growth and prosperity of our community whilst welcoming, supporting, and encouraging newcomers to the platform and giving them opportunities to earn and gain exposure.

Wow I really don't know about the reward system of rewarding pob stakers.

When you stake your tokens by "powering up" it means that you lock in the tokens to increase the value of your voting power (VP) on the platform. Whenever you upvote the posts of other authors, the posts earn reward tokens which are shared between the author (50%) and any curators of that post (ie: anyone who has upvoted that post). The more you stake, the higher the value of your VP, and the greater the rewards that are earned for you as a curator, and the greater the rewards you can bestow on your fellow Hivers if you choose to upvote their content. Then it's like compound interest, the more you stake, the more you earn, the more your stake increases, and so on, in an ever-growing cycle. It's a win-win for everyone concerned. but if you cash out constantly, the value of your VP remains low and you lose out on the opportunities to earn through curation and so earning potential remains more limited to the production of content. I hope that helps to explain it a little ;-)

Thanks for the explanation.
But there are still very little pob stakers and I suggest the reward for pob stakers should also be increased because people sees profit in selling pob than staking

With respect, I think the problem is that people don't appreciate the existing value in staking, not that the value in staking is too low ;-) If you create good content on a regular basis, engage well within the platform, and build relationships, you have every opportunity to do well. Combine that with staking and you have the means to increase your earnings exponentially. Effort is rewarded. Authorial rewards, curation rewards, staking rewards. For amr008.pob to upvote and reward people for engagement, it requires delegation. Where does this mysterious delegation come from? From users of the platform. Initiatives will come and go on the Hive and within its communities. If we become too reliant on one source of income or form of reward, we shut ourselves off from all the other possibilities that surround us. There are contests across a multitude of communities to suit all kinds of authors and curators. There are communities to join that provide support for each other's works. There are loyalty point systems in place with certain front ends. What good will it do if all the POB were exhausted? Would activity in the community not simply dry up? If POB handouts are accelerated then I foresee the end for our community. We instead need slow and steady growth to ensure longevity. What happened to people joining the Hive to be part of a community, to enjoy what they do best; to engage, and to create? If people are just looking for a get rich quick scheme, perhaps they are best placed looking elsewhere. this is just my personal view and I do hope you receive more perspectives on the questions you are asking and the proposals you are suggesting 🙏

Thank you @samsmith1971 for a well details explanation of the point some people are missing here.

I keeping telling anyone that cares to listens, there are countless opportunity here for any one regardless of your area of interest, as long as you simply willing to put your proof your brain.

If anyone is looking for a get rich quick schemes, there are a lot of them out there but not here, an engagement program has came to an end, good and fine.

Look around the hive move on there are still countless stuff to do and still earn good rewards. Simply #proofyourbrain.

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