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RE: Psychology: A Brief Visit with the Stereotypes of Life

in #psychology6 years ago (edited)

I'm always puzzled by groups of women who complain about "clueless, helpless men" but they will go to some lengths to make sure those same men DON'T ever step foot in the laundry room or kitchen... so they can't actually LEARN to be anything but "helpless."

ding ding ding....we have a winner. My wife nags me about picking up my clothes but yet when I get too neat she thinks something is really wrong with me.

It's a no win situation. And honestly a little form of Control by some of these women who do this.

Kind of like those women who want to be CEO while the hubbie is Mr. Mom but then wants full custodial rights and alimony when divorce happens because she has a vagina ( Sorry, just being brutally honest).

It's a case of wanting to have your cake and eat it to. If you want Equality you must accept the Good and the Bad, imho