Nicely written Abbey.
I must say; communication is a very crucial part of any relationship. But as it were; judging from the differences in the makeup of males and females; the communication pattern could become undulating sometimes. And this; no doubt; is one of the causes of chaos in relationships. But I strongly believe that with the right self-evaluation; people could come to terms with such differences and have a better harmony in their relationships.
Though I'm not married yet; but I've observed from people around me.
But for me; I'm on the calm side, and make a good listener.
PS: you've been married for 13years? Wow! That's so cool. You must have married quite early.
Nice piece Abbey
Yep Sammy, I got married when I was quite young (at 23). My husband is a wonderful man. We are not always happy; but we sure are happy most of the time 😊 Precisely because of what you concluded: through self-evaluation we learnt more about ourselves, about our differences and committed to live a life of respect and affection, where we turn to each other for guidance and help.
Thank you for your nice comment my dear. I am sure you are going to make a perfect husband - you are such a gentleman! :)
Thanks so much Abbey. I'm really honoured