Can we live without stress?

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It is necessary that we can transcend to a broader understanding of stress in our lives, because according to the pace of life we lead today, it is very difficult for the human being to live without stress, however what we can do is to properly manage this evil that afflicts most of us and that impacts negatively on our lives.

It is unavoidable to stop the stress in our lives, nowadays we all hear that people are stressed, but it is necessary to make a level of study and evaluation about the style of life that we are leading, and in this way we can discern the level of stress that is being generated.

It is important to know how to distinguish, because not everything we do in our lives with haste and lightness should be associated with stress, but there are some constraints that are linked to stress and can cause problems to our physical and mental health.

Managing stress levels implies knowing how to approach life and give it the right speed so that the stress generated does not generate a negative impact on our mental and physical health. What is clear is that it is impossible to completely eliminate stress in our lives, as long as we live an accelerated life adapted to the modern times of today.