This is the post I made on the 8kun boards (the place where QAnon makes drops) a couple days ago, a place I used to frequent quite often. I was immediately pinned by a 'baker' as an interruptor of sorts due to the reply I received.
Q is for Quantum, get it Quantum anon. There is only on person currently talking about the Quantum internet and he is currently sitting in a federal prison in Arizona. Ground zero of the FBI field office that labeled the Q movement as "domestic terrorists." You might know who I am talking about. Quantum computing has the ability to transmit messages through space and time. AKA Q is sending messages back in time-Project Looking Glass.
Starlink will provide free internet via a mesh network of satellites through SpaceX endeavors. SpaceX is a DIA front. DIA/NSA are running the Q operation.
Cryptocurrency XRP/Ripple will replace SWIFT, the decades old global transaction mechanism for banks.
This info has not been discussed by any "Q experts." I will leave it up to you to figure out who is talking about this.
Space Force is currently engaging with MI to take down the cabal.
All of this may make more sense when a certain someone becomes the new Space Force Commander after the election.
Suppressed tech will be disclosed and eventually made public once this nightmare circus is concluded.
AS the world turns.
The answer, of course:
AS- Austin Steinbart.
This was great too! Sorry I missed it on the first pass. Stick with it!

YOU are in the right place!