There is a poker book written by Dusty Schmidt aka Leatherass.

I read that book multiple times. He was/is a famous but very unpopular player. He did not really care. He was sitting on his leatherass grinding and he made a ton of money in a game where most people loose their money.
The book is about how to organize your life around poker. Your mindset how to approach the game.
The mindset of a businessman
I like to compare Steemit and Poker. For the reason poker is one of the things I know best.
I played my best when I was organized and with a clear routine.
When I was playing
How long
How many tables
For almost everything I had a plan.
Steemit I approached different. I had no idea about social media. I read a bit about creating email lists but that was not really my cup of tea.
I bought steem as an investment and I was not really sure if and how I am gonna be active here.
Now I am writing more or less daily here.
I am thinking about ways to become and stay a relevant part of this community.
But often I feel I fail. I am often clicking randomly around. Starting a comment and just delete it after. I feel like I am not going out enough anymore --> reading and commenting on other peoples posts.
My votingpower gets so low that I need to take breaks from upvoting other people`s posts on a regular basis.
I am writing about any topic which comes to my mind and I can form a sentence about.
I don`t want to loose the fun in all this as I want to enjoy my job most of the time.
But I don`t mind to have some seriousness in all of this. It is about my livelihood afterall and that deserves to be taken serious ( at least a bit )
What I want to change ?
Before I can answer that really I need to know where I want to end!
Or better asked how does success look like for me? I enjoy the engagement I receive and I try to keep up with answering every comment ( except spam, fuck that shit ) but I can`t go to my landlord and pay him with me bragging about how many comments I get.
How much do I need? As I wrote in a previous post to jump in here full time I want to earn a risk insurance I can put to the side if shit would hit the fan.
Some of them have a lot more steempower delegated or in their own account.
Others write way better content then me
Then there are those with a huge and real following
and some are engaged in projects
So where do I find my niche?
Just writing about one topic? Getting more involved "behind the scenes" (discord, steemchat)
I don`t really know yet. But my business plan will look something like this
set aside a time were I just comment and upvote other people
set aside a time in which I will just produce new material
control my voting power a bit better
don`t lose the fun in all this
or short just be a bit more organized again
I think as soon as someone does something like steemit for a living it starts loosing the fun for him because it gets a job...
Just my two cents 😉
you can still like your job but there is no denying that you will and have to treat it different than a hobby
Yeah, thats completely true.
I really like my job for instance, but still there are days when I don't want to go to work 😉
But if you depend on a steady income from steemit and you just get it if you post several articles per day/week what ever, it can loose its fun factor.
When it comes down to fixed date ranges for upvoting/commenting, this could actually lead to economical disadvantages. I guess right now you vote when you see a great post or you wait a few minutes before you vote it if it is really fresh and you want more curation rewards.
If you limit yourself to certain times, you therefore will either miss out on curation rewards or you will upvote worse content just because you still will focus on curation rewards.
I guess both things are neither good for you or the network (which incase also is bad for you longterm).
So while I agree that f.e. creating content can be organized better - I wouldn't say it's easy to use the same approach with voting!
that is a very valid point I have not really thought about
Upvote you.
Hi everyone! pls do help to upvote this post for my friend's father's heart. They need our support right now..
With posting the link as a spam comment under many posts you actually risk that somebody flags it instead of upvoting. Try to be seen with positive and constructive comments rather than spam. It will help, believe me!
i don't think so sir... if i treat my steemit like a business than when i git no upvote or comment then i'm gonna be mad... how can i rise my upvote comment followers.. it can rise much in tension.. if i treat like a regular community then it's markets up down doesn't matters to me. i can use my account tension free & with calm.
But even in the normal evidence business we know, you lose some, you win some. We just need to always stay positive and optimistic about it.
Hi @flipstar :-) Nach meiner Lebensmittel Vergiftung vor 2 Tagen bin ich jetzt wieder da. Habe Käse gegessen und das hat mich 2 Tage jetzt richtig fertig gemacht. Deine Post hat wahre Worte. Je mehr man daran arbeitet desto mehr Erfolg / Glück hat man. Es kommt nicht einfach von heute auf morgen.
Many interesting points here to ponder (and implement), some which I have found myself revisiting often. Thanks @flipstar.
I`m a great believer in luck. The harder I work the more luck I have Awesome quote. iam hard worker now i, waiting for luck.
Yeah it doesn't hurt to be a little more organized but it's also important not to lose the fun in all of this. A couple of friends who became small-time professional athletes say the fun has gone completely out of the game when they turned pro.
Edit: Thanks for the book recommendation. Going to check it out.
I totally agree with you. I was actually just thinking about this few minutes ago before seeing this. Steemit is truly a business place, a market place that doesnt have any opening or closing time. Lol. Millions of people post 24/7 throughtout the whole day.
Even though you get an upvote or not, its still a business. Because even in the normal evidence business we know, you lose some, you win some. This is an amazing article @flipstar
this is what I call "Perfect planning". really it is so helpful. yeah you are right one can attain success by planning it perfectly . nice article and worth reading . thanx for sharing the key points @flipstar
Interestinf thoughts.
I also think that a good working structure here on steemit will help you achieve your goals and i think this also could work out for me.
Poker and Steem have a lot in common now that you said it :) it's true it's tough to keep the motivation. One way which I found very stimulating was to plan not one article, but a series of them... Like for my Enemies of Rome series: you divide your subject into several articles, and you don't stop until the series is complete. And then you do it again :) Consistency is key to success on Steemit.
motivasi yang bagus
You are right about the fun. I was a fairly sucessful bridge player many years ago and I had my regular job. My montly income from bridge was greater than from my job, so I decided to play bridge professionaly. I took a break from my regular job and started a new life, playing bridge everyday for at least 8 hours a day. The fun of playing slowly disappeared and after two months I was back to my old job. So I returned to my old life, work and bridge and regained the feel of fun that I had lost.
keep going and discovering new ways is the best way to go :D
Hey @flipstar!
EDIT: I just realized that I already participated at your "Workaway reloaded --- WIn 500 SP delegation for 1 Month".. haha.. now it's a little bit embarrassing for me, but there are so many new people I see here.. I have to manage everyone first. I'll remember you from now on 😂😅
Honestly I saw you yesterday the first time.. hhmmm. maybe I saw you earlier, but I realized you now the first time! And I'm glad about this. Why? You seems to be a person, who plays serious with steemit and also with all the follower and "reader"... Now you have one more 😂
I have another possibility for you to stay tuned on steemit, maybe it helps you to keep on having fun:
I learned already so much in my last 7 weeks here. Not only about the platform itself. Much more about the world (e.g. the situation in Venezuela), about other people (e.g. other full-time traveller) and also about myself (e.g. my newborn passion about writing)... So have fun on steemit because you can LEARN every day so much.
Even when you cannot upvote something.. the money should not be the main reason at all... ✌️
Also von außen betrachtet (manchmal sieht man den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht mehr) hast Du eine sehr prägnante Nische besetzt.
Nische: @flipstar
Die ist ziemlich kantig und ehrlich. Macht Laune!
steemit test a lot of patience in the beginning but when keep going it is great
I like your gameplan. I think simply commenting on every original really helps - I try to do it every day for 30 or 40 mins. Tonight you are my 17th. :) After having posted too. Structuring all our social media is hugely important and I like the way the focus makes it less of a time waster and more productive. You're doing good, getting engagement and making people think. Stay with it!
From my point of view in what I have been here in Steemit I have seen Steemians that only earn money because they have a great power of vote, others have good content but they are not very sociable that we say about answering a simple comment or someday visiting the publications of those followers who are supporting them every day but who unfortunately do not have so much power and are ignored.
In your case, in my opinion, you do a good job, you always respond to the comments they make and you are aware of your followers, and with that you are successful for me... you help the community by delegating your SP things that the big ones do not do.